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KICJ Research Reports

Crime and Security in Foreigner-dense Areas 사진
Crime and Security in Foreigner-dense Areas
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Youngshin Choi, Seokjin Kang
  • ISBN978-89-7366-952-3
  • Date December 01, 2012
  • Hit333


The purpose of this study is to examine and to understand the foreign crimes in ethnic places in South Korea(hereafter Korea), with a aim to propose strategies to prevent the foreign crimes and to reinforce the public security in that places. The foreign residents in Korea marked 1.43million in Oct. 2012. Most of all, the number of foreign workers has remarkably increased since the early 1990s. In this study, Researchers forcused on the ethnic places which foreign migrant workers mainly are clustered to live. Now the ethnic places begin to emerge as a distinctive urban landscape.
The ethnic places in this study are defined like the preceding research(Se Hoon Park, et al., 2009) as socio-spatial complexes where expatriates have developed social networks and infrastructure for their own purpose in a certain geographical area.
This study conducted a literature review on the ethnic places and the foreign crimes in the ethnic places, an analysis of National Police Agency’s crime statistics data on the foreign crimes in city, district, and national level, case studies on the 297 foreign violent crimes such as murder, burglary, serious assault and battery, and rape provided by National Police Agency, the spatial analyses by GIS(Geographic Inforemation System) and the field surveys on the four ethnic places in the -eup, -myeon, -dong level of administrative districts, and in-depth interview with 12 foreigners and 10 Koreans about the foreign crimes and their life in the four former ethnic places.

This study findings can be summarized as follows:

1. Occurrence of Foreign Crimes at Official Crime Statistics.

1) There are 94 of the ethnic places that the ratio of registered foreigners is above 10%, or registered foreigners are above 5,000 persons in each ethnic places at the -eup, -myeon, -dong level of administrative districts, in the late of 2011. The most many registered foreigners, 17,378, live in 'Wongok-dong, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do' among the 94 ethnic places.
2) The rate of increase in foreign crimes get far ahead of the rate of increase in foreign residents. The increasing rate of foreign crimes, 527%, from 2001(4,328 arrests) to 2011(27,144 arrests) are remarkably high than 146%, the increasing rate of foreign residents, and 357%, the increasing rate of foreign long-term residents during same time.
3) The crime incidence of foreigners is low as yet than that of Korean, but the crime incidence of foreigners in the five types crimes are rapidly increasing of late. The Korean arrest index per 100,000 persons in 'the total crimes' or 'the five types crimes'(murder, burglary, rape, theft, and assault and battery) have been high than the foreigners' from 2007 to 2011. But the crime incidence of foreigners are gradually increasing of late, and so the gap between Korean arrest index and foreigners' are decreasing. It must be specially taken notice of a rapid increase of the crime incidence of foreigners in the five types crimes(murder, burglary, rape, theft, and assault and battery).
4) In murder, burglary, drug related crimes, and assault and battery, the foreign crime incidence are high than Korean’. The foreign arrest index per 100,000 persons are high than the Korean arrest index in the five types cime.

2. Occurrence of Foreign Crimes in the Ethnic places.

1) The clustered degrees of foreigners influence the occurrence of foreign crimes and domestic crimes. The clustered degrees of foreigners means the density of registered foreigners and the ratio of foreign nationality in the each -si, or -gun, -gu level districts. The density of registered foreigners have positively statistically significant influence on the occurrence of foreign and domestic crimes. But the influences of the ratio of foreign nationality on the occurrence of foreign and domestic crimes are different according to crime types. The more the ratio of advanced country foreign is high, the more the occurrence of foreign total crime and five types crime is high. and The more the ratio of Asian except chinese is high, the less the domestic five types crimes occur.
2) The four ethnic places in -gu or -si level(Guro-gu, Seoul/ Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul/Ansan-si/ Siheung-si) have all a high value exceed the mean in the occurrence of domestic crimes. And they have all a high value exceed the mean in the occurrence of foreign five types crimes. But there are a great difference among the four ethnic places in the occurrence of foreign total crimes. Guro-gu has only a high value exceed the mean in the occurrence of foreign total crimes.

3. Crime Prevention Measures focusing on the CPTED and Results from the Spatial Analyses by GIS(Geographic Inforemation System) and Field Surveys in the Four Ethnic Places(1.Garibong-dong, Guro-gu, 2. Daerim2-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, 3.Wongok -dong, Ansan-si, 4. Jeongwang-dong, Siheung-si).

1) Merrymaking areas that caused various kinds of crime must be strictly separated residential areas and the streetlights should be increased on the alleys and the CCTV or emergency bell installed on the point of intersections and blind spots.
2) It is necessary that a small park and meeting place for activation of local community should be located on the alleys and around the market places for the natural surveillance and discouragement of criminal activity.
3) And existing voluntary guards have to be strengthened and nighttime patrols expanded laying stress on the crime vulnerable environment.
  • pdf 첨부파일 12-AA-09. 외국인 밀집지역의 범죄와 치안실태 연구_완료.pdf (22.36MB / Download:90) Download