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KICJ Research Reports

Establishment of a Crime Prevention System in Local Community 사진
Establishment of a Crime Prevention System in Local Community
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Byungin Cho
  • ISBN978-89-7366-954-7
  • Date December 01, 2012
  • Hit231


1. Research overview and significance

This study has examined the establishment and maintenance of a close cooperation relationship between the police and local community in the following three areas 1) police-community partnership, 2) probation office-police partnership and 3) private security-police partnership. This paper differs from conventional studies in the following ways:
First, while all previous studies investigated one area only, this study has dealt with all three areas mentioned above and fostered a holistic and comprehensive approach toward ‘crime prevention system.’ Second, the primary purpose of all conventional studies was to test hypothesis through literature review or questionnaire survey on a particular group. On the contrary, the primary goal of this study is to come up with a policy model which can maximize crime prevention effects. Third, while there was only one researcher who collected and analyzed data in all previous studies, a workshop in which the police and probation and private security experts participated has been arranged, and a directionof the study has been adjusted through discussion and review in this study. Fourth, while all conventionalstudies briefly reviewed and superficially introduced models from advanced countries, this study has concentrated on ‘partnership’ and dealt with specific cases and effects thoroughly. As a result, it has been able to come up with a variety of effective policies.

2. Research methods

This study has closely searched basic police science papers, Master’s and Ph.D. degree papers, related academic journals and papers from Korean National Police University and Korean Institute of Criminology and made a list to make it available as basic reference data for researchers. There have been efforts to have a good eye for research topics and find a solution based on diverse perspectives because a lot of related studies are already available, and community police experts have taken advantage of current conditions. This study has attempted to examine a way to expand partnership from diverse views by hosting a workshop which invites researchers and experts after discovering various topics associated with the organization and operation of community police and arrangement and management of the workforce. After selecting a topic for each session and inviting presenters and debaters, current conditions, problems and improvement plans were discussed. From February to Novemberin 2012, a total of 25 workshops were held, and how to establish and promote partnership to prevent crime was discussed. If more discussion was necessary, experts’ consultation and workshop were held. For comparison, a chief researcher visited National Police Agency, Ministry of Justice, Tokyo Probation Office and National Private Security Association in Japan among the four countries (the U.S., the U.K., Germany and Japan) and obtained data on the problems and solution in police-community / probation office-police / private security-police partnership. Then, they were used in stating conclusion and policy suggestions.

3. Conclusion and policy suggestions

A. Legislation for enhancement of partnership

In order to handle crime and disorder-related problems effectively, it is necessary to approach them in an integrated manner by collecting related information, resources and professional knowledge and technology. So far, there has been no attemptto legislate partnership for collaborative crime prevention in Korea. Instead, localauthorities such as municipal and district governments just enacted ordinance on the police-local authority partnership to allocate some budget to support citizen patrol activities to respond to collaboration request from the police or install and operate the CCTV cameras. In fact, there has been no proper collaboration among departments and bureaus. What is worse, when they faced some socially controversialissues such as human rights-related problems, their cooperative partnership would easily fall apart.
Therefore, it would be possible to strengthen partnership and cooperation among related and even unrelated organizations by legislating collaboration among them and establishing diverse workforce structures. Regarding government-involved problems such as school violence, youth crime, break-in & theft, sexual assault and domestic violence, it is required to come up with a solution through collaboration among related organizations.

B. Improvement of operating system of community policing council

(1) Diversification in organization of community policing council
Because a communitypolicing council was established with a goal of setting policing order in the community, it should be organized with law enforcement-related organizations. To overcome this kind of problem, the followings should be improved in terms of nominating the council members:
First, instead of nominating an inherited director as the leader of local organization, it would be right to select the head of the related organizations such as tax office, fire department, public health center and probation office as the inherited director. Second, it is necessary to diversify selected members with presidents of religious organizations, presidents of mass media companies and headmasters of elementary/middle/high schools. In particular, it is required to include experts from crime/policing-related organizations such as Domestic Violence Shelter, Korea Sexual Violence Relief Center, Center for Suicide Prevention, Alcohol Counseling Center, the Foundation for Preventing Youth Violence, Korea Association against Drug Abuse and Korea Center for Victims of Crime in the council. Third, it is necessary to appoint the experts from community policing-related organizations such as Youth Committee, Child Council, Welfare Committee for the Disabled, Urban Planning Committee, Traffic Safety Committee, Safety Advisory Committee, School Violence Prevention Council, Daily Life Safety Council Citizen Patrol. Fourth, it is also required to include the members of local councils, villager headmen & heads of tongs, housewives association and elders association in the policing council.

(2) Strengthening senior police officer’s role
In operation of community policing council, active involvement by the commissioner of local police agency and police chief is required. Unless a head of police authority (ex: the commissioner of local police agency, police chief, etc.) is co-chairperson, he should be able to play vice-chair’s role at least. In addition, it is desirable for a department manager in police station (ex: Manager of Police Administration Department, etc.) to take the administrative manger’s role.

(3) Integration of similar organizations
According to the current law, there are many councils which consist of the heads of local organizations and local governors including police chief for safety of local community such as Safety Control Committee, Civil Defense Council, Traffic Safety Review Committee and Integrated Defense Council. However, most of these organizations are operated through written review with little operating achievements becausenetwork participants are not fully capable of mediating conflicts of interest and reaching a mutual consent. In addition, they are short of financial resources which are needed to promote the projects. Local citizens’ welfare and social order can’t be achieved with several policies during the local governor’s short tenure. In fact, they can be accomplished through continued efforts by law enforcement agencies and local community for a long period of time. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate redundant councils into local policing council through the amendment of related laws. In fact, it is desirable to make the local policing council play a pivotal role in local community with affiliated divisions including Division of Disaster Safety, Division of Civil Defense, Division of Traffic Safety, Division of Integrated Defense, Division of Prevention of School Violence, Division of Protection of Victims and Division of Child & Adolescent Protection.

(4) Cooperation among police stations in the same local authority
If there are more than two police stations in the single municipal or district jurisdiction such as Jung-gu, Seoul (Jungbu Police Station, Namdaemun Police Station) and Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do (Seobuk Police Station, Dongnam Police Station), the local policing council is usually far from active. This kind of less active local policing council is also found when multiple local authorities exist in the same police jurisdiction. Unless the local authority and police jurisdiction are in 1:1 relations, the local policing council is not properly operated often because the council members tend to focus more on winning the local governor’s favor. In areas where the number of local authorities is not matched with the number of police stations, therefore, it is necessary to for police stations to cooperate with each other. In addition, it is required to come up with several solutions to promote local policing council by making police stations play an organizer’s role semiannually or biannually. To take care of this kind of problem early, it is needed to appoint a police chief as a superintendent general and have him/her mediate conflicts between the police station and local authority as soon as possible.

(5) Increase in budget allocation for local policing council
The ultimate goal of the police duties is to solve community problems so that they are greatly matched with the duties of local authorities. Because it is not easy to get the budget from the central government, in addition, the police tend to take care of problems using the budget allocated by the local authority. To operate the local policing council under the control of the police, however, theminimum operating cost should be at least provided by the central government. With the current budget (KRW 300,000-400,000 per year), it would be necessary to ask for financial aid to the local authority even for meeting expenses. Hence, it is required to substantially increase the police’s budget for operation of the local policing council.

(6) Improvement of local policing council-related laws
At present, there are only three cities and provinces and 113 cities, counties and districts with ordinance on the installation and operation of the local policing council. However, a lot of councils including Safety Control Committee, Civil Defense Council, Traffic Safety Review Committee, Integrated Defense Council, School Violence Prevention Council and Policing Administration Council exist in all local authorities across the nation in accordance with related laws. Hence, it appears that it would be able to keep operating the council and easily secure the budget if the local policing council is organized in accordance with the related laws after enacting new provisions on the Police Act and Local Autonomy Law.

C. Expansion of probation office-police partnership

(1) Sharing information on criminals subject to electronic anklets
To prevent crime and eliminate citizens’ anxiety by sharing information on crime and criminals subject to electronic tagging between the probation office and the police, it would be necessary to hurry up to enact ‘GPS Tracking Act’ which is aimed to share information on the criminals wearing electronic anklets wit the police. In addition, it is designed for the investigation authority to take a look at the data with warrant for arrest and search warrant only. Therefore, it would be difficult to arrest a critical with electronic anklets early when he commits a crime and prevents additional crimes. Hence, we need to hurry and amend the laws to allow the investigation authority to get access to the data early if necessary and get the permit from the court of justice later.
According to the currentamendment of the laws, which allows the retroactive application of electronic anklets for sex offenders who committed a crime before the electronic tagging system was introduced, the Constitutional Court ruled that it is constitutional (December 27, 2012). As a result, about 2,500 sex offenders who had been excluded from the list of criminals subject to electronic anklets now have to wear the digital device. In other words, it is necessary to allow the police to get access to the related data by enacting ‘GPS Tracking Act.’ In other words, we need to hurry and enact new laws and amend current laws if necessary.

(2) Sharing information on sex offenders on the list
It is necessaryto hurry and amend the laws which allow the police, not probation office, to investigate if the personal data submitted by the sex assaulter at its registration are true and correct provided that he is a candidate for probation. Regarding disclosure of the convict’s personal information, investigation on whether or not the registered information is true and correct is very important in terms of the government’s active crime prevention activities and supply of an autonomous sex assault prevention means to citizens. Therefore, there should be close cooperation between the police and probation agency. In addition, because the registered information includes detailed information such as the sex offender’s address, it is very useful for the police preventing crimes by starting the investigation early. Therefore, it is necessaryto further strengthen collaboration between the police and probation office to make the disclosure of sex offender’s personal information settle through continuous sharing of information.

(3) Joint patrol between the police and probation officer
In terms of sex trade by the youth, the police can effectively control the crime by questioning suspicious adolescents in crime-ridden districts after sharing personal information on those under probation to observe the special provision of night curfew for minors.
At present, the probation agency does not have a separate patrol vehicle.
When a person under probation is arrested for a certain violation, it is hard to have weapon to be prepared against the strong resistance from him. Therefore, it is in absolute need of help from the police. In fact, because the police already have a hard time in handling various crimes with limited workforce and equipment, it is necessary to come up with an effective work system.
Therefore, it is required for the probation officer visit and monitor those under probation with the police periodically and search a way to predict a crime. If the joint patrol is effectively executed, those under probation would aware that they are being watched by the police all the time, which may in turn make them giving up violating the probation laws and committing another crime.

(4) Collaboration to stop school violence
Since ‘School Violence Prevention Plan’ was announced on February 2012, Korean society has faced serious school violence problems such as continuous school violence and school suicide. The school administration and the police have come withvarious measures to stop school violence such as anti-school violence education, arresting school gangs, expansion of school victim report system, early response and appointment of school violence police officer. However, it is still limited to punish the assaulters and prevent secondary damage to victims.
In school violence, because both assaulter and victim are generally minors, there is a high possibilitythat they would be returned back to school with little punishment. Therefore, it is most important to stop school violence in advance through the police-school-community partnership. In other words, the probation office-police partnership activities should be promoted againstcrime-prone youth. The police alone cannot stop school violence.
Likewise, a probation officer alone cannot supervise and monitor assaulters 24 hours a day. In other words, how probation officer, the police and school administrationwork together and build safe school environment is the key to stop school violence.
If a police officer in uniform comes to school and gives a crime prevention lesson to students, students may perceive that their school is safe. An efficient school violencereport system and police response would also be big help in solving school violence. However, the important thing is that this kind of case is officially closed with one of the two conclusions; ‘arrested’ and ‘non-arrested.’ Even if the assaulteris arrested, he is soon returned back to his school or community where the victim still lives in accordance with Juvenile Act. Even though a guidance program is executed even after being not arrested, there is a high possibility that services given by a probation officer would be provided again. Once the attacker returns back to school, there is a great possibilitythat he would commit a more serious crime. Therefore, the police and probation officer need to come with school violence more effectively by coming up with a cooperation plan, focusing on ‘crime-prone students.’ While operating the juvenile guidance program, it is necessaryto examine if there is a student under probation in advance. It is also needed to emphasize a probation officer’s role for ‘prevention of school violence’ and ‘protection of potential victims’ without limiting his role for juvenile protection to return of the assaulters back to society and correction of their wrongful activities. In particular, if the assaulter is not arrested due to closing of the investigation, the police needs to examine if he already had (or is now under) probation with the similar case in order not to make probation officer-police guidance activities overlapped.
The success of school violence prevention policy depends on how well the assaulter is guided and supervised by a probation office in cooperation with school administration and the police when he is returned back to school. Unless it is able to allocate the police to all schools immediately, the police needs to focus on crime-prone students to prevent them from committing another crime by organizing ‘probation-police-school’ taskforce team.

(5) Establishment of guidelines
For success of the probation office-police partnership, each party’s duties should be clarified in advance. The legal guidelines strengthen coalition among organizations by stipulating obligations for a probation officer and the police. In collaboration between probation officer and the police, difference occurs. When functions are overlapped, the inter-organizational collaboration becomes more difficult. In particular, this kind of obstacle often takes place during investigation because while a probation officer aims to investigate the violation of probation rules, the police attempt to discover a new crime. To manage crime-prone convicts efficiently, it is necessary to develop the probation office-police partnership model by maximizing information sharing between the two organizations after taking advantage of related media such as KICS. In fact, MAPPA in the U.K. could be a good model.
Above all, with the launching of electronic supervision on particular criminals, there has been electronic monitoring on sexual assaulters, murderers (or attempted murderers) and kidnappers. In addition, there will be additionalelectronic supervision on habitual robbers. Considering these situations, it is necessary to come up with a systematic coalition between the police and probation officer. It would be a good idea to keep watching juvenile criminals and crime-prone adolescents, classify them into specific categories and develop practical and specific guidance & supervision plans and methods after introducing the MAPPA-like probationoffice-police council.
According to analysis on the probation office-police partnership in Japan, the following policy directions are proposed:
First, for success of partnership between the police and probation office, they need to set a common goal. In Japan, the police help a probation office find and arrest a missing person under probation. In return, the probation office helps the police gain information on crime-prone convicts in local community. Just like Korea, Japanese government formed partnership by skipping this kind of process. Therefore, Korea also needs to encourage both organizations to set a common goal just like Japan. In other words, a mutual educational program can be proposed to make the police and probation office have a better understanding of the counterpart’s duties.
Second, in order for the police and probation office to keep developing partnership, a council should be organized. In Japan, an irregular meeting has been held because of a request by the related organizations such as Mie Prefecture. However, there is no regular and official collaborative means. Therefore, because of failure to continue the collaboration or changeof governor or working-level manger, the conventional collaborative relationship would fall apart. In fact, this kind of problem has often been found in Korea as well. In terms of an official council between a probation office and other law enforcement authorities, there is ‘Probation Council’which is held semiannually in accordance with the rules of the Supreme Court in Korea. As mentioned above, both the police and probation office have a common goal to secure public safety. Therefore, a better partnership could be formed if a regular council is organized.
Third, it is needed to expand systematic information exchange and scope of information on crime-prone convicts and policing activities to strengthen the probation office-police partnership. Recently, a new probation office-police partnership is being formed to prevent those under probation from committing another crime in Korea. The key concept of this partnership is ‘Share Information.’ Therefore, it is necessaryto come up with an information system for the probation office-police partnership in addition to the Korea Integrated Criminal System (KICS) which is aimed to computerize the criminal procedure.

D. Expansion of private security-police partnership

(1) Development of infrastructure for collaboration
First, it is necessaryto enhance the efficiency of crime prevention activities up to the maximum level by forming related organizations. If crime information is exchanged, and in-depth investigation on a certain crime is conducted jointly through this kind of council, the private security-police partnership would be spontaneously established. Second, it is necessary to appoint a chief manager in both the police and private security company and have him/her handle the partnership-related tasks for collaboration between the police and private security company and better understanding of the counterpart’s duties. Third, it is required to set job-sharing and role criteria in advance regarding job characteristics, scope of activities and work procedure to avoid wasting time and energy for patrol activities. Fourth, the establishment of the hotline or alarm system between the police and private security firm to be prepared against emergency situations would be very helpful in forming partnership. Fifth, it would also be a good idea to have the police and private security firm jointly operate a security advisory service center to enhance citizens’ awareness on security, recommend private security firms and programs and educate and advertise important matters associated with patrol activities.

(2) Expansion of operations such as traffic flagger system
In Japan, traffic deaths significantly decreased since the traffic flagger’s job was designated as security duties at enactment of Security Act in 1972. Even though there were various factors, the traffic flaggerplayed a significant role. According to analysis on the list of security firms registered in 생활안전국 of Japanese National Police Agency as of December 2009, ‘private security’ was the highest in terms of the ratio of security firms. In particular, ‘traffic flagging’ accounted for the greatest portion with 34.9% (5,675 firms), followed by ‘private security (17.5%, 2,854 firms).’
In Korea, traffic congestion during rush hours is a serious problem in a metropolitan city. Even though there has been support from organizationswhich are in cooperation with the police, there still are a lot of difficulties in taking care of heavy traffic. Therefore, it would be a good idea to search for an efficient way to handle the traffic problem by designating traffic flagging as a professional sector just like Japan.

(3) Specialization of private security jobs
According to analysis on private security activities in Korea, ‘building and apartment security guard’ is the highest with 80%, followed by ‘body guard (12.5%),’ ‘machine security guard (3.5%),’ ‘special guard (2.1%)’ and ‘escort security (1.2%).’ The average age of security guards was 49.6. In terms of age distribution, ‘60 or older’ was the highest with 42.65%. In other words, it is necessary to expand security jobs into diverse fields and develop the guards into professionals. In addition, it would be a good idea to make them have training together with the police through negotiation with the police training agency.
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