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KICJ Research Reports

Effective Measures to Advance Corrections and Rehabilitation for Reducing Recidivism (Ⅰ) -Focused on the strengthening of cooperations among police, probation office, and corrections in management of high-risk offenders- 사진
Effective Measures to Advance Corrections and Rehabilitation for Reducing Recidivism (Ⅰ) -Focused on the strengthening of cooperations among police, probation office, and corrections in management of high-risk offenders-
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Sangam Han, Sangwon Lee
  • ISBN978-89-7366-980-6
  • Date December 01, 2012
  • Hit211


Dangerous offenders can be defined as someone who has high risk and possibilities of reoffending and they have massive effects on our society because of their motives, cruealty, and methods of crime. Therefore, we have to have effective criminal justice system which is designed to protect the public, including previous victims of crime, from serious harm by sexual and violent offenders. This means that we need to establish an effective offender management model to reduce recidivism rate in our society.

Our criminal justice systems are designed to manage offenders by sequential process. According to their professionality, each criminal justice agencies such as police, prosecutions office, courts, corrections facilities, and probations offices were handled criminal offenders differently and separately and this system is no longer effective to take care of rapidly rising rates of recidivism among sexual and violent offenders.

Due to recently increasing rates of violent crimes and sexual offenses, the Criminal Justice Act 2003 (“CJA 2003”) required for the establishment of Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (“MAPPA”) in each of the 42 criminal justice areas in England and Wales. This system is designed to protect the public, including previous victims of crime, from serious harm by sexual and violent offenders. They require the local criminal justice agencies and other bodies dealing with offenders to work together in partnership in dealing with these offenders. And various materials shows that the MAPPA systems operating in England and Wales are effective in controling or reducing of recidivism among sexual and violent offenders.

Therefore, In this research the researchers suggested that the necessity of introduction of the integrated offender management system to activate cooperation among criminal justice agencies in controlling high-risk offenders in our society. And researchers also suggested 1) Legislation to cooperate, 2) prepare guidance on multi agency cooperative entity, 3) activate usage of criminal justice information system, 4) Training for all responsible authorities, 5) Memorandum of understanding for all agencies, 6) Performance targets for agency attendance 7) prepare Communications and Media strategy, 8) appointment of multi agencies Coordinators etc. as the conditions of setting up multi agency cooperative body in our country.
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