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KICJ Research Reports

A Study on Victims of Intermarried Korean Men 사진
A Study on Victims of Intermarried Korean Men


The aims of the present study were to analyze the counseling cases of actual states of damage of international marriges which were under requisition in consumer protection agency and real state of damage through in-depth interviews of local males and then suggest a law and institutional counterplans.
There were 8,333 counseling cases in consumer protection about poor service of international marrige agencies from 2012 to mid 2013. In categorizing the cases, there were 9 major categories as followed; poor service of international marriage agencies, refund of revoation of contract with problems of international marrige agencies, cancellation fee of revocation of contract, handling of expense of international marrige agencies, denial and delay of entrance of bride, runaway and phony marriage of bride, disinformation of international marriage agencies, postponement of entry procedure, closure of agencies and contract interruption with agencies.
The mean age of interviewees was 42.7 years and the difference with women was 17.2 years. The occupations of them were worker, engineer, individual business, employee, and government employee. The range of age was early 30s and 40s. Wive's homelands were mostly Vietnam and Philippines.
The serious damage of interviewees was the case of runaway with their children. 15 interviewees' wives of 18 interviewees were runaway and 3 among them were runaway with children. One of them took back his child with the govenrment's asistance but children of the rests were in mother's homeland. The other problem of international marriage was unreasonable or additional cost and disinformation of international marriage agencies.
In order to prevent damages of natives' international marrige, some considerations for three systematic improvement plans are requested; First, improvement of immigration control institution, Second, refinement of international marriage brokerage, Finally, publicity consolidation to people and reinforcement of diplomatic ability to main opponents.
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