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KICJ Research Reports

Korean Victims of Crimes & Protection Measures in Vietnam and Malaysia 사진
Korean Victims of Crimes & Protection Measures in Vietnam and Malaysia
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Junoh Jang, Wansoo Lee, Horim Choi, Seokjun Hong
  • ISBN978-89-7366-011-7
  • Date December 01, 2013
  • Hit266


1. Purpose, contents and method of the study

A) Purpose of the study

According to accident statistics about Korean nationals abroad in 2012 released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Korean nationals in Vietnam and in Malaysia took the third and the forth highest place in crime victimization, respectively followed by China, the Philippines and Thailand among Asian countries. Crime victimization debases the quality of life of Koreans nationals aboard and makes them feel difficulty in settling down and adapting in destination country. By figuring out situations of crime victimization of Korean nationals in Vietnam and Malaysia, this research suggests realistic and effective measures to protect them from the crime.

B) Contents of the study

First of all, we investigate the crime experience of Korean nationals in Vietnam and Malaysia as well as analyze the current situation of crime victimization of Korean nationals by verifying influence of socio-demographic characteristics, fear of crime and other crime victimization related variables on their current situation. Secondly, we suggest counter plans to prevent crime victimization of Korean nationals in Vietnam and Malaysia based upon the results of multilateral data analysis and literature reviews.

C) Method of the study

For the study, researchers conducted both survey and focus group interviews(FGIs) simultaneously. 1,075 Korean nationals abroad had answered questionnaire of crime victimization. Among them, 528 Koreans had resided in Ho Chi Minh City, 187 in Hanoi City, Vietnam and 460 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Meanwhile, 56 Koreans participated in focus group interviews(21 in Ho Chi Minh City, 17 in Hanoi City, and 18 in Kuala Lumpur). Besides, we had conducted literature reviews on socio-cultural characteristics of Vietnam and Malaysia which might influence on crime victimization as well as secondary analysis of official accidents data of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea.

2. The situation of Korean nationals' victim and offense of the crime - Vietnam and Malaysia

A) Vietnam

The official statistics in 2012 indicated that the population of Korean nationals in Vietnam was 80,500. Students were 3% of total Koreans in Vietnam. The average annual Korean nationals in Vietnam who committed crimes were 60 people during 2007 ~ 2012. The most serious crime committed by Korean nationals in Vietnam was fraud. The next were assault/injury, violation of migration law, illegal stay and prostitution. For last 6 years (2007~2012), annually 148 Koreans experienced crime victim, which was mostly burglary. Fraud, assault/injury, missing, death of safety accident, illegal confinement/kidnapping and robbery were next.

B) Malaysia

The official statistics in 2012 indicated that the population of Korean nationals in Malaysia was 14,000. Students were 17.5% of total Korean population while permanent residences were 0.4%. The average annual number of Korean nationals who committed criminal acts was 12 people during 2007 ~ 2012. The most crime committed by Korean nationals was illegal stay. The next were fraud, violence/injury and burglary. For last 6 years (2007~2012), annually 111 Koreans experienced crime victimization. Burglary was the most serious crime. The next were robbery, death of safety accident, fraud and missing.

3. The Experience of Korean nationals' crime victimization - Vietnam

A) Result of the survey

1) Socio-demographic characteristics

715 Korean nationals living in Vietnam were surveyed about their crime victimization(528 Koreans living in Ho Chi Minh City and 187 in Hanoi City). 52.7% of the respondents were females and males were 47.3%. Majority of respondents were the forties(42.0%) and 52.7% had graduated/dropped out a-four-year University. They have lived in the Vietnam for 2 ~ 5 years(27.1%) and reasons they stayed in the Vietnam are sojourning employees or overseas detached duties(76.5%). The most difficulties they face while living are language barrier(35.4%) and anxiety regarding crime victimization(18.3%).

2) Attitude towards people of Vietnam

Attitude of Korean nationals towards people of Vietnam is negative in general. Respondents have awareness that Vietnamese neither observe the law nor take advantage of a person. They try to adapt to life in Vietnam thereby respecting the Vietnamese culture and forming close relationship with Vietnamese.

3) Factors related with crime

Respondents feel that the total number of crime in Vietnam(56.4%), in their residential area(51.4%), against Korean nationals(39.3%) and by Korean nationals(39.3%) are increasing. But they recognize that both residential area(63.8%) and working area(61.8%) are safe. Respondents are very negative about Vietnamese police activities. They criticize that the police do not catch the culprit despite the report to the police(79.1%), do not protect foreigners well(67.1%), do not be dispatched ly to reported incidents(63.3%) and do not patrol well(46.2%).
Respondents seem to be lived in safe residential areas that are not vulnerable to social and physical disorder, but they reside with people who do not keep basic order(51.1%). The respondents cited that the most serious crimes in Vietnam were burglary(78.7%), corruption/bribery(48.2%), fraud(34.0%) and robbery(33.6%). Meanwhile, the easiest crime Koreans could commit was fraud(27.3%), robbery(15.2%), assault/injury(10.7%) and prostitution(10.4%). Burglar(29.2%), fraud(17.7%), robbery(15.2%) and assault/injury(10.7%) were easily vulnerable to Koreans.

4) Experience of crime victim

52.3% of respondents have experienced crime victimization once or more while living in Vietnam. The most frequent crime victim experience was burglary(42.8%), fraud(10.3%), corruption/bribery(8.0%) and robbery(4.2%). Meanwhile, those who have experienced crime victimization during past 12 months are 35.0% of the total respondents. The most frequent crime experience was burglary(29.8%), fraud(6.6%), internet/cyber crime(3.6%), robbery(2.9%), assault/injury(1.7%), sex violence(1.1%), and so forth.

5) Preventive measures of crime

To prevent crime victimization, respondents don’t carry firearm such as gun(83.3%), avoid crime-racked district (70.9%) and do not show a richman image(61.1%) at personal level. Regarding measures of Korean government, preparing protection system for Korean nationals(94.3%) in Vietnam is needed. Vietnamese government with Korean government has to build protective system for Korean national(93.8%). As measures of Vietnamese government, respondents want reinforcing punishment for offenders(88.8%). Therefore, the preventive measures respondents considered are a lot of demands that can be done at (inter)national level.

B) Result of in-depth interviews

1) Attitude towards Vietnam and Vietnamese

Korean nationals think that they are very secured in Vietnam because Vietnam is a communist country but in recent years the worsened economy has increased rapidly crime called subsistence. In addition, the corruption of public officials is a serious problem; therefore, Korean nationals who were harmed by public officials have negative attitude toward Vietnam. In particular, Koreans had frequently suffered bribery victim by public officials such as migration staff and police in real life.
Because Vietnamese people are dexterous and diligent, Koreans prefer starting their business in Vietnam. But there is a negative uation about the Vietnamese, too. The Vietnamese had defeated invasions of foreign countries and kept the pride. If they are discriminated or damaged, the victims tend to revenge relentlessly to the end. Because the Vietnamese don’t open easily their heart to foreigners, brotherly relationship with Vietnamese is very unusual. As the experience of communism, they don’t admit their mistakes and tend to persuade their wrongdoing instead of asking to be excuse to the other party.

2) Difficulties to settle down in Vietnam

Language difficulty is the biggest barrier to live in Vietnam for Korean nationals. Respondents stress necessity of learning Vietnamese language to fast settlement. Meanwhile because of strict regulations of business, Koreans encounter frequently damage of fraud or embezzlement from Vietnamese partners.

3) Crime experience

The most frequent crime experience was burglary to Korean nationals living in Vietnam. In particular, burglary committed by a housemaid or a driver is not easily noticed and it is almost impossible to get back money or stolen materials from them because when Koreans noticed their lost, a housemaid or a driver had already quit. Depend on the area, burglary is generated differently. While the pickpocket burglary is mainly occurred in Hanoi, a motorcycle snatched damage is common in Ho Chi Minh area.
Because Vietnam presents a tough structure to begin business for foreigners, Koreans usually establish businesses under the name of Vietnamese.
Vietnamese who lent the name to open a bank account had gotten Korean’s trust for 2-5 years and then later embezzlement of company money by the Vietnamese was commonly happened. The most serious crime to Korean nationals in Vietnam is corruption of public officials. When police officers receipt the report of burglary, they ask a half amount of money in order to catch. And those who violate of traffic rules and traffic control for a vehicle are required a bribe.

4) Reason of exposure to crime damage

The crime against Koreans happens because of not avoiding risky spot and time. Vietnamese people think that Koreans are weak, don’t report to the police even if they encounter criminal damage and carry lots of cash. The Vietnamese commit crime to Korean nationals because of bad image toward Koreans. The Vietnamese point out that because Koreans get alone among Koreans, they do not contribute Vietnamese economy and takes away jobs or benefits from themselves. And because of lack of knowledge of Vietnamese, living and adaptation in Vietnam are difficult and Koreans are exposed to crime cases. Accordingly, there is higher possibility of being exposed to fraud at the early period of business and no apology or laud and stubborn appeal of Koreans even on minor things leads to incidents such as the assault case.

5) Request to embassy

In-depth interviewers wanted Korean embassy in Vietnam has to vitalize Korean nationals' association so that they can live safely. High-handed attitude of Korean embassy and unfriendliness of embassy staff to Korean nationals are another problem. This attitude makes Koreans abandon to get help from the embassy when they experience criminal victimization. Overseas Koreans also want to resolve a misunderstanding about embassy and expect that embassy to develop and promot the how-to-do manual which help Koreans in danger. In addition, the manual for the prevention of crime and crime prevention programs by Korean embassy have actively to be done.

4. The Experience of Korean nationals' damage and harm of the crime - Malaysia

A) Result of the survey

1) Socio-demographic characteristics

460 Korean nationals living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia were surveyed. There was more females(62.8%) than males(37.2%) and majority of respondents was the forties(37.6%). More than 8 out of 10 had received higher education, the average monthly income was 2,000,000won ~ 4,000,000won(30.1%).
They have mostly lived in Malaysia for 2 ~ 5 years(25.2%) and reasons they have stayed in the Malaysia are sojourning employees or overseas detached duties(32.2%) and education for their children(31.8%). The most difficulties they face while living are anxiety regarding crime victimization(32.2%) and language barrier(24.7%).

2) Attitude towards people of Malaysia

The positive side of the respondent's attitude towards people of Malaysia is that Malaysians neither take advantage of a person(41.9%) nor complain a lot(40.9%). But the negative side is that respondents can not trust Malaysian people(27.0%) and that Malaysian people do not keep laws well(55.8%).
Respondents don't have strong relationship with the Malaysian(46.2%) but try to maintain friendly relations with them(32.2%).

3) Factors related with crime

Respondents recognize that both residential area(51.5%) and working area(49.3%) are safe while they feel that the total number of crime in Malaysia(51.9%), against Koreans(70.6%) and by Koreans(58.2%) were increasing. Respondents are very negative about Malaysian police activities.
They tend to uate that the police do not patrol well(64.2%), do not protect foreigners well(73.9%), do not be dispatched ly to reported incidents(76.0%) and cannot catch the culprit(81.8%).
Respondents seem to be lived in clean and pleasant residential areas but they do not show close relationship with neighborhood. The most serious crime in Malaysia and the most vulnerable crime to Korean nationals were identical: burglary(64.8%, 72.8% respectively), illegal confinement/kidnapping(61.1%, 57.0%), and fraud(25.2%, 42.6%). Meanwhile, the easiest crime Koreans could commit is fraud(84.3%), gambling(50.7%), assault/injury(25.9%) and corruption/bribery(17.6%).

4) Experience of crime victim

42.6% of respondents have experienced crime victimization once or more while living in Malaysia. The most frequent crime victim experiences were burglary(26.5%). Fraud(14.8%), robbery(6.7%) and assault/injury(3.7%) were followed .
Meanwhile, those who have experienced crime victimization during past 12 months are 28.7% of total respondents. The most frequent crime experiences were burglary(17.6%), fraud(10.0%), internet/cyber crime(3.9%), assault/injury(2.0%) and sex violence(1.4%).

5) Preventive measures of crime

To prevent the crime, the respondent do not carry firearm such as gun(77.7%), avoid crime-racked district(71.6%), do not take a taxi alone at night(67.2%) and do not show a richman image(61.1%).
For Malaysian government, respondents ask strengthening public order(92.7%) and reinforcing punishment for offenders in Malaysia(89.6%). They strongly want Korean government to install protective device for Korean nationals in Malaysia(92.3%).

B) Result of in-depth interviews

1) Attitude towards Malaysia and Malaysian People

In-depth interviewers aware that Malaysia is a reasonable country and perceive that Malaysian system is much slower compared to South Korea. In addition, corruption is rampant and laws are often arbitrarily interpreted by government officials alone; therefore, there is absolutely neither good nor bad in Malaysia. However, because English is commonly used, because Malaysian public order is well maintained compared with other Southeast Asia countries and because cultural level doesn't fall significantly behind South Korea, respondents satisfy their living in Malaysia.
The people of Malaysia are considered as kind and peaceful. Due to Malaysia's 'Oriental Policy,' the Malaysian are especially nice to and get alone with the Koreans. However, Malaysians don't help Koreans who suffer crime victimization on the street but show bystander's attitude. As a result, they give an air of indifference.

2) Difficulties to settle down in Malaysia

Koreans living in Malaysia had difficulties of communication and language and showed fear of crime victimization. When a difficult situation arises, there is no call for help. For instance, what they felt difficulty was to deal exactly with rapidly changing visa laws. In addition, because of less stable Korean community in Malaysia not like those of other countries, Korean nationals don’t receive help each other and take a long time to adapt in Malaysia.

3) Crime experience

For Koreans living in Malaysia, the most frequent crime experience was motorcycle snatch crime, sudden attack-and-steal(aka peokchigi), burglary, robbery and corruption. Malaysian local criminals know that it is hard for new migrants to open a bank account in Malaysia; that Koreans prefer illegal foreign exchange transactions to get a better exchange rate and to save currency exchange fees; and that they have to carry lots of cash in the process. As a result, Koreans are subject to a major crime like burglary and robbery.
On the other hand, the most frequent crime that Koreans in Malaysia committed was illegal foreign exchange transactions(aka hwanchigi), passport forgery/modulation and illegal stay. Because such crimes are interrelated to one another, the risk may be greater.

4) Reason of exposure to crime damage

The respondents explain the reasons why Koreans were vulnerable to crime. Koreans, especially 'goose mothers,' possessed lots of cash while walking and did not avoid risky spot and time. Also, Korean criminals stayed illegally in Malaysia might commit crime to Korean nationals.

5) Request to embassy and Korean Government

In-depth interviewers feel substantially that the threshold of Korean embassy in Malaysia was lowered, but still the Embassy is a difficult object. To prevent and deal with crime, the interviewer want embassy's active help to reported crime victimization; sharing and promotion of information on the issuance of visas to prevent unwanted illegal migration status; and hiring Korean lawyers as legal advisers or establishing advisory programs to remedy the Korean crime victims.

5. Policy Implication

Based on the result of the study, the policy that can prevent and cope with crime victimization of Korean nationals abroad will be summarized here.
First of all, education program for overseas Koreans and Korean outbound travelers should be offered. Cases of crime victimization in the sojourning country should be notified and measures to prevent these cases should be promoted.
Secondly, as measures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and overseas embassy, for easy and direct report of crime incidents, the accident board on the embassy's website should be newly created. It could be also utilized as promotion on the embassy's range of work and task. Thirdly, at the level of relevant government departments, reinforcement of consul who is in charge of criminal incidents, establishment of Justice Cooperation system and building up cooperation system among relevant government departments that can lead to a high level of cooperation between the countries are needed.
Lastly, respondents suggest measures of the host country as follows: providing information of crime risk of the destination for the Korean travelers, publishing and promoting crime prevention manual, offering legal advisory services, and so on.
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