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KICJ Research Reports

The Revision of Laws and Regulations of Cybercrimes 사진
The Revision of Laws and Regulations of Cybercrimes
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Wonsang Lee, Seokku Kang
  • ISBN978-89-7366-018-6
  • Date December 01, 2013
  • Hit277


The purpose of the study was to effectively regulate regulations out of prevention effects and equity of many laws of cyber crime. The study investigated understanding upon cyber crime, principles of legislation of regulations of the crime, regulations of the crime and revisions of laws and regulations of the crime that investigated current legal system. The revision of cyber crime did not gather existing legal provisions but enacted laws and regulations systematically in matching way in accordance with principle of cyber space as well as concept of cyber crime.
Chapter 1 investigated cyber space, culture and crime to understand the crime and have base. Chapter 2 investigated principles of revision of laws and regulations of the crime to find out rights to respect at cyber space, principles, behavior regulating factors and principles of legal systems for revision of the crime. Chapter 3 described organizations and laws and regulations of the crime and recent discussions of the fundamental law to find out contents of legal system of the crime and trend of new laws and regulations. Chapter 4 suggested revision of laws and regulations of the crime to legislate and to revise current laws and regulations, that is to say, the law on punishment of cyber crime, fundamental law on cyber crime, and the law on promotion of use of information and communication network.
In the nation, cyber crime regulations were adopted at many areas here and there, and revision of "the Act on Promotion of Use of Information and Communication Network and Protection of Information" regulated behaviors of cyber crimes. Disorder of regulating system of the cyber crime having no principle could not exercise legal force. So, legal system of the crime should be made to take actions against the crime.
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