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KICJ Research Reports

Effective Measures to Advance Corrections and Rehabilitation for Reducing Recidivism(Ⅱ) - Promoting Private Volunteer Work in Corrections 사진
Effective Measures to Advance Corrections and Rehabilitation for Reducing Recidivism(Ⅱ) - Promoting Private Volunteer Work in Corrections
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Jeahyen Soung, Yonoh Cho
  • ISBN978-89-7366-038-4
  • Date December 01, 2013
  • Hit303


One of the primary responsibilities of a country is to construct safe society from the risk of recidivism as the state prevents crime and reforms criminals to reintegrate them into society. Under the current system of criminal justice procedure it is also important to punish offenders with swift measures such as arrest after the occurrence of crime. However, a serious problem of this system is to ignore the fact that a good citizen is already sacrificed with the offence. Therefore, it needs to develop preventive criminal policy which can forestall crime before a law-abiding citizen becomes victim. It is particularly significant to create preventive criminal policy as it can contribute to realization of constitutional value based on respect for people as well as establishment of practical utopia to seek happy life of all citizens.

In this respect, this study reviews first definition of crime prevention activity and significance of private volunteer work in corrections. It also examines the overseas situation of crime prevention efforts such as the cases of the UK and the US.
Based on the research findings, this study suggests practical improvement direction of preventive criminal policy of Korea through surveys targeting crime prevention officers and probation office staff to identify the exact problems of Korea.
This study attempts to find out effective measures of preventive criminal activity within a current legal system and discuss effective improvement direction of Korea.
  • pdf 첨부파일 재범방지를 위한 교정보호의 선진화방안 연구(Ⅱ) -교정 민간 자원봉사 활동의 활성화 방안- _완료.pdf (5.05MB / Download:391) Download