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KICJ Research Reports

Trend and Countermeasures of Drug-Related Crimes and Voice Phisings among Koreans in Northeast China 사진
Trend and Countermeasures of Drug-Related Crimes and Voice Phisings among Koreans in Northeast China
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Kyoungchan Kim, Gunnam Jeong, Changjun Kim, Songhak Hyeon
  • ISBN978-89-7366-015-5
  • Date December 01, 2013
  • Hit308


The first aim of this research is to collect the crime cases about drug, voice phishing for the co-operation between the investigative authorities of China and Korea. The second goal is to make several measures to cope with various crimes including drug and voice phishing occurred in this Northeast Asia. The third purpose is to establish basic foundation for the lasting peace and sustainable development through common organization and joint response system in Asia.
The organized crime about drug and voice phishing exist as transnational and cooperative forms between two counties, the criminals are also comprised of various origins like Chinese, Korean, Chinese-Korean, North Korean. Especially North Korean people and government have some network and system for production and circulation of drug, Korean-Chinese and Chinese and Korean have multinational collaboration for drug crime. The methods of voice phishing and new means of crime as pharming and memory hacking are evolving and upgraded quickly in this northeast area particulary from Korea to China.
The measures and policies from only one country have some difficulties for the crime response system in northest China if there is not substantive cooperations for Mutual Judicial Assistance in Criminal Matters between two countries, Korea and China.
Therefore it is necessary for the close judicial assistance to have programs on mutual dispatch and exchange education for the reciprocal understanding of investigative agencies, judicial agencies and law system. Joint-investigation team, Northeast Information System(NIS, or Asian Information System, AIS) Northeastjust (Asiajust), Northeastpol(Asiapol), Asian Arrest Warrant(AAW), Northeast Criminal Justice College(NCJC, or Asia Criminal Justice College, ACJC) are not so accustomed to Asian people and Asian countries, but it is required to construct a substructure for new crime response system in this Asian countries.
The technical development and interactive learning for the prevention and arrest of criminals are also one of the important elements for the Mutual Judicial Assistance. Mature Asia community can be accomplished through the progress and effort on consistent mutual understanding and consideration for the stable regional community.
  • pdf 첨부파일 중국 동부지역 한국관련 마약범죄와 보이스피싱범죄의 실태 및 대응방안에 관한 연구_완료.pdf (6.71MB / Download:636) Download