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KICJ Research Reports

UN∙International Cooperation and Research for Crime Prevention(XI): Criminal Justice Policy for Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative Ⅰ- Northeast Asia Regional System for Human Rights Protection in Criminal Procedure 사진
UN∙International Cooperation and Research for Crime Prevention(XI): Criminal Justice Policy for Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative Ⅰ- Northeast Asia Regional System for Human Rights Protection in Criminal Procedure
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Hankyun Kim, Jeeyoung Yun, Taeung Baik
  • ISBN978-89-7366-941-7
  • Date December 01, 2015
  • Hit393


This study was planned as one of the eight research projects of the 「Studies in Criminal Justice Policy for Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation」. The study aims to propose the possibility of establishing a cooperation system in Northeast Asia for human rights protection in criminal procedure and future tasks and the is based on the specific plans and basic research for the follow-up studies.

Chapter 2 introduces the significance of the Northeast Asia peace and cooperation plan and the current conditions. It also examines the role of criminal justice field for the fulfillment of the Northeast Asia peace and cooperation plan and the current condition of international operation in the field of criminal justice, such as criminal extradition, mutual assistance in criminal justice and transfer of sentenced person. Based on the argument, it indicates the limits of the current cooperation system and the necessity for the improving human rights protection in criminal procedure.

Chapter 3 describes the changes of the major countries in Northeast Asia for human rights protection in criminal procedure in detail. Especially, it examines the changes in regulations related to human rights protection in criminal procedure of China and North Korea, which is showing an aspect of conflict with the international society regarding human rights protection.

Chapter 4 proposes the possibility of establishing a cooperation system for human rights protection in criminal procedure. It compares and analyzes the criminal procedures of Korea, China and Japan and proposes the future task and direction for establishing a cooperation system within Northeast Asia for human rights promotion in criminal procedure.
  • pdf 첨부파일 15-B-03-동북아형사절차인권보장-인쇄(16.02.25).pdf (1.07MB / Download:175) Download