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KICJ Research Reports

Criminal Justice Policy against Cyber-Terrorism in Korea and the US 사진
Criminal Justice Policy against Cyber-Terrorism in Korea and the US
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Hankyun Kim, Minjeong Cho, Soyoung Park, Sujung An
  • ISBN978-89-7366-938-7
  • Date December 01, 2015
  • Hit352


This research is based on the achievements of Korean Institute of Criminology’s international cooperation projects in the field of cybercrime, cyber security and technological cooperation, and aims to provide fundamental discussion resources on cybercrime and comprehensive aspects of cyber security, especially on the relevant countries such as China and North Korea. Furthermore, it attempts to suggest the framework of joint projects that the criminal policy research institutes in Korea and the U.S could conduct in order to establish the ground for cooperative cyber security policies in the two countries that are significant partners in security cooperation.

Chapter II analyzes Korean criminal justice policies on cyber terror and addresses current legal system and countermeasures on cyber terrorism and the legislature trend. Chapter III includes analysis of the current U.S criminal justice policies on cyber terror and the cyber security policies against China. Also, the Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice and the Center on Law and Security at New York University’s research trends and relevant policies will be analyzed.

In Chapter IV, the actual cases of North Korean cyber terror threats as well as countermeasures against the threat will be presented and analyzed. This includes the deion of cyber terror attacks that were allegedly committed by North Korea and the result of investigations. In addition, considerations on cooperative countermeasures that Korea and the U.S could take against North Korean cyber security threats will be indicated.
  • pdf 첨부파일 15-B-11-한미사이버테러-인쇄(16.02.25).pdf (1.44MB / Download:495) Download