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KICJ Research Reports

China's Criminal Procedure Policy Reform 사진
China's Criminal Procedure Policy Reform
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Hankyun Kim, Misuk Park, Liu Renwen, Ma Ke
  • ISBN978-89-7366-943-1
  • Date December 01, 2015
  • Hit488


This study is designed to provide reference materials for the working-level officers and the academia by looking into policy backdrop and progress of the criminal justice reform in China, one of the major countries in the East Asian region, with the aim of realizing criminal justice in line with Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative. The primary purpose of this study lies in the introduction of trend in the 2012 revision of the Chinese criminal procedure law based on examination and analysis of its process.

Chapter 2 deals with the background of Chinese amendment of criminal procedure law in 2012. Chapter 3 analyzes its major changes in the concerned law. Chapter 4 investigates impacts of foreign laws onto the revision of Chinese criminal procedure law. Chapter 5 comprehends the present condition of its legal application, focusing on major cases after the amendment’s enactment. With analysis of the reform-related laws and regulations and the current situation, Chapter 6 tries to foresee the outcome of such Chinese endeavor and challenges. The 2012 policy reform of criminal procedure is attached with much significance given expansion of the scope of investigative right and stronger human rights protection the reform brought about.
  • pdf 첨부파일 유엔국제협력-세부과제7-중국 형사소송 개혁의 정책동향연구_최종출.pdf (1.5MB / Download:182) Download