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KICJ Research Reports

Annual Report on UN·International Cooperation and Research for Crime Prevention (2015) 사진
Annual Report on UN·International Cooperation and Research for Crime Prevention (2015)
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Hankyun Kim, and Others
  • ISBN978-89-7366-934-9
  • Date December 01, 2015
  • Hit350


Korean Institute of Criminology (KIC) had built both national and international cooperative networks with experts and institutions in the field of criminal justice to research the latest trends in crime and criminal justice reform. As a member institute of the UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network, KIC has significantly contributed to the efforts in crime prevention by various international and regional cooperation works.
Centre for International Cooperation in Criminal Justice at KIC has conducted the projects of “UN·International Cooperation and Research for Crime Prevention” since the year of 2005, mainly for research cooperation projects with international research institutions, and with UN Office on Drugs and Crime. This annual report of 2015 has collected and analyzed various materials on international and regional cooperation activities over the year.
As for the year of 2015, the Project has focused on the criminal justice policy for the “Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative(NAPCI).” The NAPCI is a key element of the Trustpolitik pursued by the Park Geun-hye administration. It is a future-oriented effort Korean Government to replace a structure of conflict and discord in the region with an order of dialogue and cooperation.
The NAPCI aims to build up trust by cultivating a habit of dialogue and cooperation at various levels. It takes a bottom-up approach seeking to induce the consolidation of political will on the part of governments in the region through dialogue and cooperation on soft security issues which are relatively less sensitive and do not represent a significant burden for the participating governments.
Thus, UN·International Cooperation and Research for Crime Prevention project of 2015 aims to propose the possibility of establishing a cooperation system in criminal justice in Northeast Asia and to suggest future tasks of regional cooperative projects.
Eight researches are dedicated to the studies in criminal justice policy for Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative :

1. Northeast Asia Regional System for Human Rights Protection in Criminal Procedure
2. A Comparative Study for Building a Regional Cooperation of Criminal Justice - Integration and Harmonization of Criminal Justice in the EU
3. Northeast Asia Regional Cooperaton in Cyber Security Policy
4. Implementation of the International Classification of Crimes for Statistical Purposes in Northeast Asia Region
5. Comparative Study on Criminal Justice Policy in Korean & Japan
6. Comparative Study on Criminal Justice Policy in Korean & China : Anti-corruption Policy
7. Reform Policy of Criminal Procedure in China
8. Studies on North Korean Criminal Laws in North East Asia

Further, there have been researches on the Criminal Justice Policy against Cyber-Terrorism in Korea and the US, Cooperation in Criminal Justice in East Asian Region and Towards AsiaJust Program, Report on the KIC Virtual Forum Against Cybercrime Program.
Based on such achievement of international cooperation in crime prevention and criminal justice, KIC hopes to become a world-renowned research institution in criminal justice.
  • pdf 첨부파일 한국형사정책연구원_15-B-02 총괄보고서_범죄방지를 위한 UN.국제협력 및 연구 2015_내지(5교).pdf (45.29MB / Download:103) Download