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KICJ Research Reports

Implementation of the International Classification of Crimes in Northeast Asia Region 사진
Implementation of the International Classification of Crimes in Northeast Asia Region
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Hankyun Kim, Changjin Lee, Sunghyun Cho, Soyoung Park, Hyeueon Baek
  • ISBN978-89-7366-937-0
  • Date December 01, 2015
  • Hit389


In 2009, UNODC began to prepare an internationally standardized system for the classification of crime and developed the International Classification of Crimes for Statistical Purposes (ICCS), which is based on the aspect of behavior rather than the actual laws and regulations. The purpose of ICCS is to enhance policy utilization of statistical analysis at both national and international level, by improving the international comparability and consistency of crime statistics. This study aims to find a cooperative plan of crime and criminal justice statistic field and international and regional criminal justice cooperation project, based on the contents of the announced 2015 United Nations ICCS.
Chapter 2 examines the significance of ICCS and introduces the new standard and methodological development for the improvement of crime statistics, increased production and utilization of crime information and aim of analysis improvement for international data collection.
Chapter 3 analyzes the application of ICCS. It introduces the major characteristics of the international standard, classification method of crime types and implementation plans.
Chapter 4 investigates the cooperation plan of the Asian-Pacific regional development of criminal justice statistics. It compiles and analyzes the past research of the Korean Institute of Criminology, such as the 1st Criminal Justice Statistics Development Workshop, Implementation of International Classification of Crimes Expert Advisory Conference, Korean Classification of Crimes Development and Implementation Conference.
  • pdf 첨부파일 한국형사정책연구원_15-B-06 동북아지역 국제형사사법 통계기준 실행방안 연구_내지(7교).pdf (2.11MB / Download:181) Download