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KICJ Research Reports

Comparative Study on Criminal Justice Policy in Korean and Japan 사진
Comparative Study on Criminal Justice Policy in Korean and Japan
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Hankyun Kim, Sunghoon An, Joowon Na
  • ISBN978-89-7366-936-3
  • Date December 01, 2015
  • Hit478


This study has been launched from the recognition of the need for building a regional cooperation mechanism in the field of criminal justice policy in order to fulfill Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative. Based on this concept, the objective of this study is to review the pending issues of cooperation and provide the future tasks in the field of criminal law and criminal justice policy between Korea and Japan.
Chapter 2 summarizes the issues discussed from the Korea-Japan Criminal Justice Policy Forum and uates its results. Chapter 3 examines research trends of criminal law and criminal justice policy in Korea and Japan. In other words, the study proposes direction and range of collaborative research project between two countries by arranging recent research outcomes in the area of criminal law, criminal procedure law and criminal justice system. In addition, the study investigates present conditions and research projects of institutions, which is needed for establishment of cooperative partnership in order to expand cooperative relationships between institutions in the area of criminal justice policy between Korean and Japan. In response to this analysis, Chapter 4 prospects possible challenges for joint research projects between Korea and Japan in order to promote cooperation in criminal justice system of Northeast Asia for achieving Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative.
  • pdf 첨부파일 한국형사정책연구원_15-B-07 한.일 형사정책 동향 비교연구_내지(6교).pdf (6.41MB / Download:484) Download