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KICJ Research Reports

Comparative Study on Criminal Justice Policy in Korean and China: Anti-Corruption Policy 사진
Comparative Study on Criminal Justice Policy in Korean and China: Anti-Corruption Policy
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Hankyun Kim, Kyoungchan Kim, Eunyoung Kim, Yoojin Jung
  • ISBN978-89-7366-935-6
  • Date December 01, 2015
  • Hit436


This research was conducted by the recognition of the need in institutionalization of regional cooperative mechanism in criminal policy for the realization of [Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative].

Thus, the objectives are to review the possible cooperative agenda in the areas of criminal law and criminal policy between Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as “Korea”) and People’s Republic of China(hereinafter referred to as “China”) and to recommend the future plans accordingly.

Due to Chinese President Xi Jinping's anti-corruption campaign and Korea’s enactment of Anti-Corruption Act, these two nations particularly share the criminal policy relating to anti-corruption as their current issues. Also in relation, the Korean Institute of Criminology(KIC) has hosted an international Anti-Corruption Forum on the subject of ‘Challenges and Strategies for Ending Corruption: Zero-Tolerance, Accountability and Integrity’ in December 2014.

Hence from 2015, the main focus regarding the trends in Korea & China criminal policy comparative studies and the cooperative research projects will be on the anti-corruption policies.

Chapter 2 provides the uation based on the achievements of ‘Northeast Asian Forum for Criminal Justice(NAF)’ held in the consecutive years of 2013 and 2014. Chapter 3 provides the uation on the achievements of the 3rd NAF, held on September 2015, with the main discussion themes focused on the Korea & China anti-corruption policy comparative studies.

Lastly, Chapter 4 analyzes the Korean criminal justice research trends in China as well as the Chinese criminal justice research trends in Korea in order to prospect the possible research themes for the upcoming Korea & China criminal policy comparative studies.
  • pdf 첨부파일 한국형사정책연구원_15-B-08 한.중 형사정책 동향 비교연구 반부패 정책_내지(6교).pdf (1.68MB / Download:152) Download