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KICJ Research Reports

Annual Report on UN and International Cooperation and Research for Crime Prevention (XII) 사진
Annual Report on UN and International Cooperation and Research for Crime Prevention (XII)


The Korean Institute of Criminology, under the vision of research globalization through international cooperation and improvement of research feasibility, sets up goals for not only increasing efficiency in conducting joint researches but also strengthening its global positioning through building an international partnership network.
Establishing and pursuing the three years long-term master plan from 2016 to 2018 is to focus on the most efficient ways to achieve goals.
The International Strategic Research Center of the Korean Institute of Criminology consolidates its global position as a leading research institute by setting out the three-year long-term master plan of cooperation with various international research institutes in the field of criminology, criminal law, and criminal justice and, by building networks for information databases for the relevant agencies.
Also, the International Strategic Research Center conducts researches on policy trends and research trends in crime and criminal justice through sharing and exchanging information and research development. The International Strategic Research Center is also served as a platform for spreading knowledge-information based research results and improving the productivity of research performance by collaborating effectively with a group of experts and professionals in the field of crime and criminal justice.
As part of the master plan, we have carried out four projects in 2016, including building an international cooperative network, global joint researches, 2016 Korean Institute of Criminology International Forum (KICIF), and promotion of research results.
The International Strategic Research Center has made a significant effort to build a supportive network of crime and criminal justice research institutes in France and Australia. In November 2016, we also held an international meeting with 25 countries in the Asia-pacific region to develop crime and criminal justice statistics.
We strive to increase policy efficiency on research results through global joint researches. The 2016 KICIF, under the theme of terrorism prevention, criminal justice cooperation, and the eradication of cyber-terrorism, was held in Seoul with two United Nations agencies and eight countries’ experts.
Finally, we launched English and Chinese websites for our institution and, will continue to develop the spread of our institution’s research results.
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