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KICJ Research Reports

Treating Unmotivated Crime Offenders: Criminogenic Factors and Intervention Strategies 사진
Treating Unmotivated Crime Offenders: Criminogenic Factors and Intervention Strategies
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Jeongsook Yoon, Jaehyeon Kim, Eunyeong Park
  • ISBN979-11-87160-82-3
  • Date December 01, 2017
  • Hit446


Based on the literature review, we assumed that the manifested personality or lifestyle characteristics of unmotivated crime offenders would have underlyingcognitive, affective, behavioral features, which were deemed to be the relevant criminogenic factors. In order to investigate them, we administered three psychological assessments such as KORAS-R, KRCC, PAI. Among three tests, KORAS-R turned to be indiscriminating in risk level. Most unmotivated crime offenders were rated 'high' in their levels of risk. Accordingly, PAI scores of each scales and subscales were compared with the subjects divided on the score of K-RCC(high and low risk group) and the type distinguished by the feature of K-RCC(abnormal thought type, dissatisfaction type, displaced revenge type). The profile characteristics of each type were reviewed to find out the target of the treatment intervention for unmotivated crime offenders. Results of the analysis of 59 subjects' PAI had several important features. First, index for random response was high in common, which suggested self-reported results might consider the possibility of random reponses. Second, SOM, SOM-H, PAR were significantly higher in high risk group than low risk group. The profile of high risk group suggested that they experience high level of psychological, affective distress, especially, depression and hostility. They worry a lot about their health condition and feel like they are still suffering from traumas, which happened in the past. Although, trying to be calm, they lost control easily and burst out their anger, trying to solve these problems by drinking.
Three types showed significant differences on BOR-S, NON, that is, BOR-S score of displaced revenge type was significantly higher than abnormal thought type, and NON score of dissatisfaction type was significantly higher than abnormal thought type. The characteristics of the profiles of each type suggest that dissatisfaction type has high level of anxiety and somatic complaints, low self-esteem with negative effect of traumas and internalized anger and hostility that couldn't be expressed effectively. Displaced revenge type seems to get along well, without any problems but when they lose temper they tend to lose control. Abnormal thought type suffer from various somatic problems and has a tendency to concede to avoid the conflicts, though they experience the persecutory delusions and feel that others do not treat him/her fair.
Treatment interventions were suggested based on the results found from the analysis of PAI, and they were composed of the targets following RNR principle. Cognitive behavioral therapy principles and group therapy structures were suggested as treatment implementations and they were specified by modules. 10 sessions were presented as an illustration. Theme(or target) in each session are as follow: Opening and orientation, Understanding my thought, Exploring emotion, Get off from the past(Reconstruction), Various points of thought(automatic thought, cognitive distortion), Reconciliation with anger, My friends(interpersonal relations, social skill training), Coping with drinking, Realizing self concept, Relapse Prevention.
Meanwhile, unmotivated crime is a special type of crime different from ordinary crime, so special measures are required. One of them is a treatment program for prevention of recidivism. It is important to understand what kind of legal basis and what theoretical basis can be made for the treatment program for such prisoners. First, the psychotherapy program for these criminals takes place in prison, and it is a matter of whether the prisoners must be obliged to participate in the treatment program. In the criminal law, from the viewpoint of punishment purpose and the theory of guilty, it is necessary to take responsibility for the positive special preventive theory that focuses on prevention through prevention education of criminal offenders. The theory of social responsibility solves this problem. The positive special preventive theory and the theory of social responsibility provides justification for the treatment program for these criminals. As stated in Article 64 of the Penal Execution Act, the head of the prison must provide programs such as psychotherapy for correction of prisoners, and this phrase is theoretically supported by those theories. Therefore, the psychotherapy program for the criminals is compulsory in that mandatory participation of prisoners is required. In addition, Article 107 (3) of the Execution Act stipulates that prisoners are subject to punishment if they refuse to be educated without justifiable reason. That does not mean that the contents of the treatment program itself should have the nature of punishment, and it should not be misunderstood. The treatment program should be focused on preventing reconsideration and recidivism of uninvited crime prisoners based on principle of the proportion in the Constitution.
In addition, the treatment program can be operated efficiently if the intention of the prison director is reflected based on Article 64 of the Execution Act, since the treatment program is carried out while incarcerated. In addition, if the US therapeutic ideology is reflected, it will be possible to grow into a more human-friendly treatment program and lead to the active participation of prisoners.
Unmotivated crime is usually a type of illegal serious crime caused by mental illness, and criminals often do not have the ability to solve problems on their own. Therefore, it would be more efficient if courts were actively involved. In other words, there will be a way for the court to order the lecture. Currently, there is no way for the prisoner to have a lecture order except for the Special Act on Sexual Abuse, the Juvenile Sex Protection Act, and the Child Abuse Act. Of course, even if you do not charge a motivated offender with a lecture, you can still have a treatment program based on your executive law and get involved. However, if a new rule is introduced to impose a lecture order on an uned criminal, the psychotherapy center will be more actively stimulated and the effect of preventing recidivism will be enhanced. Unmotivated crime is largely caused by psychological disorder, and offenders are often unable to deal with this problem on their own. Accordingly, active involvement of the judicial system may serve to better address such a reality by issuing a mandatory order that stipulates prisoners of unmotivated crimes to partake in relevant treatment programs. At present, such mandatory orders are handed to prisoners charged under the Special Act on Sexual Abuse, the Juvenile Sex Protection Act and the Child Abuse Act. Thus, the introduction of a new law that imposes a mandatory order on prisoners serving sentences for unmotivated crimes is likely to galvanize related psychotherapy programs.
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