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KICJ Research Reports

Examining the Adoption of 'Order to Attend a Lecture System' in Violation of Occupational Safety and Health Act 사진
Examining the Adoption of 'Order to Attend a Lecture System' in Violation of Occupational Safety and Health Act
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Haesung Yoon, Jaehyeon Kim
  • ISBN979-11-87160-78-6
  • Date December 01, 2017
  • Hit350


Accidents such as leakage of hydrofluoric gas from Gu-mi National Industrial Complex in 2012, the Yeo-su Daelim factory explosion in 2013, leakage of chlorine gas from Hynix Cheong-ju factory in 2013, and explosion of Chang-won STX shipbuilding in 2017 have constantly occurred.

There is a general consensus regarding the need to prevent industrial accidents and to offer workers a safe working environment. The Occupation Safety and Health Act serves as the representative special law to ensure a safe working environment and to protect the rights and interests of the workers.

Despite the presence of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, accidents as well as related deaths are prent at industrial sites given the lax enforcement of safety precautions on the part of the companies. Granted, efforts have been made to address this shortcoming, but exposure to challenging tasks in light of advances in technology has rendered these efforts futile.

Discussions have been held on the responsibilities of companies regarding industrial accidents, and proposals for punishments have been made. However, such proposals have yet to appropriately address the fundamental sense of liability that the heads of companies need to shoulder.

Accordingly, in this study, considering the importance of safety education in criminal policy, I would like to examine the possibility of calling on the management of companies to attend lectures that offer a comprehensive understanding of safety in the workplace and of the need to implement stringent safety measures to ensure the well-being of workers.
  • pdf 첨부파일 수시 17-AB-06_산업안전보건법 위반시 수강명령제도 도입(180207 최종본).pdf (1.17MB / Download:188) Download