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KICJ Research Reports

Annual Report on UN-International Cooperation and Research for Crime Prevention (XIV) (Publication Dissemination of Research Outcomes) 사진
Annual Report on UN-International Cooperation and Research for Crime Prevention (XIV) (Publication Dissemination of Research Outcomes)
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Jeahyen Soung, Seongjin Yeon, Hyunwook Chun, Seungjin Lee, Joowon Na, Roderic Broadhurst, Benoit Dupont, Minjung Kang, Hyewon Baek, Seyoon Jung, Goeun Han, Sarah Gross
  • ISBN979-11-965704-5-3
  • Date December 01, 2018
  • Hit536


The UN·International Cooperation and Research for Crime Prevention is an annual project aimed at promoting international research and engagement of KIC with national, regional, and international agencies around the globe. To effectively organize and manage the project in its fourteenth year, the International Cooperation Center formulated the 2018-2022 master plan, which is expected to allow for further expanding an international network, disseminating research, and facilitating global scholarly exchange.
This year, the Center continued to provide timely reports on the trends of criminal policies and laws in foreign jurisdictions. It conducted a wide-ranging surveys on legislations and policies on investigation and prosecution of trafficking in persons and drug-related crimes in the U.S., the U.K., the P.R.C., Germany, France, and Australia. The Center also worked on and disseminated various publications intended for English speakers including, VFAC Newsletter, KIC Research in Brief, KIC Research Report, Crime Trends in Korea, and new brochures explaining a newly formed vision and goals of the Institute. It also maintained the official English and Chinese websites of the Institute to provide access of foreign researchers to its published research and information on the Korean legal system. VFAC website was also updated to provide a valuable platform for information sharing and exchange among cybercrime experts around the globe. Lastly, the Center continued to reach out to the foreign audience through the social media and providing them with news and updates of the Institute.
  • pdf 첨부파일 연구총서 18-B-05_세부과제 2 연구 성과 확산 사업.pdf (16.1MB / Download:138) Download