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KICJ Research Reports

The Democratic Control Methods in Major Countries upon the Local Police: A Comparative Study 사진
The Democratic Control Methods in Major Countries upon the Local Police: A Comparative Study
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Sunghoon An
  • ISBN979-11-89908-08-9
  • Date August 01, 2018
  • Hit364


This research aims to discuss about the Democratic Control Methods of local police in Korea. In recent years, the Korean government is pushing to decentralize and implement self-rule of local governments, which in turn is ing changes in the public order policy in the country. In light of this recent policy trend, the current study aims to review positive effects of local police system in the public order policy as the decentralization of governance takes place gradually, in addition to discuss the feasibility of introducing and employing the local police system. To achieve this end, the current study presents a time series analysis of governance policy changes in the Korean history, as well as analyzes the political issues in various administrations and management and operational features regarding the local police system. The objective of the study is to introduce the democratic control methods of the local police system in the future.
The study includes case studies of United Kingdom local poice system which has the representative case of local police administration, in addition to Japan, a country has a similar police system to that of Korea. Through these examples, the goal is to develop core management implications of successful implementation and democratic control of local police system following the decentralization of governance.
  • pdf 첨부파일 주요 국가 자치경찰제 운영현황 비교분석-내지.pdf (2.35MB / Download:1634) Download