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KICJ Research Reports

A Case Study on the Operating Cases of OJJDP's Individual Programs for the Prevention of Juvenile Recidivism in the U.S. 사진
A Case Study on the Operating Cases of OJJDP's Individual Programs for the Prevention of Juvenile Recidivism in the U.S.
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Insub Choi, Seongsik Lee
  • ISBN978-89-7366-843-4
  • Date December 01, 2010
  • Hit250


1. Purposes and Background
In Korea, juvenile delinquency and juvenile recidivism have been becoming much worsen in recent years. For instance, in last five years, the number of juveniles who committed crime increased by 85.5% from 72,770 in 2004 to 134,992 in 2008. When it comes to the juvenile recidivism, the proportion of repeated juvenile offenders had been less than 10% in the 1970s. But it jumped up to more than 20% in the 1970s and has been over 30% in quite recent years, indicating that prevention of juvenile crime and recidivism has become an important subject of criminal policies. This also means that the necessity of developing effective programs for prevention of juvenile delinquency and reoffending has been more and more increased.
The primary purpose of this study is to suggest desirable directions for development of effective prevention programs against juvenile delinquency and reoffending in Korea. In doing so, various individual programs for prevention of juvenile delinquency and recidivism suggested by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention(OJJDP) under the U.S. Department of Justice and the Office of Justice Program have thoroughly been reviewed and then explained in an introductory way.
By doing so, this study aims to provide the criminal justice agency and the civilian sectors in korea with materials that they can refer to and utilize when needed. On the other hand, main features of those effective programs are analyzed so that they can be referred to when developing related programs in Korea.

2. OJJDP Programs for Five Levels of Graduated Sanction
The OJJDP was established in accordance with the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act enacted in 1974 by the U.S. Congress to prevent and control juvenile delinquency and to improve the juvenile justice system. The OJJDP belongs to the U.S. Department of Justice and the Office of Justice Program and coordinates activities of other government agencies at the federal level.
The OJJDP has developed the comprehensive programs for the future direction of juvenile justice policy in the U.S.. In response to the juvenile recidivism phenomena, the OJJDP supported and sponsored three major longitudinal studies such as Pittsburgh Youth Study, Denver Youth Study, and Rochester Youth Development Study. The OJJDP also analyzed the effectiveness of a variety of juvenile prevention programs, formed expert study groups in the area of prevention of recidivism, and developed the Comprehensive Strategy Framework in 1993. This comprehensive program, since then, has been introduced to many state governments which have adopted this program as basic policy measures for prevention of juvenile recidivism.
And as noted, development of this OJJDP comprehensive program was theoretically based on the developmental theory and the public health model. And this comprehensive program, firstly, has put much emphasis on early intervention and prevention. Secondly, it has utilized a graduated sanction based on seriousness of crime committed, stages of criminal career, and future risk of crime commission. And, thirdly, it has also utilized risk uation tools and need uation tools. As mentioned above, this program has suggested five level of graduated sanction : 1) prevention and early intervention programs, 2) immediate sanction programs, 3) intermediate sanction programs, 4) residential treatment programs, and 5) reentry programs.

3. Review and Analysis of Detailed Individual Programs
Following the Model Programs Guide (MPG) of the OJJDP, as of May 2010, 211 individual programs have been listed for which a thorough review and analyses have been done in this study. Classification of 211 individual programs into five sanction level shows that there are 179 programs for prevention and early intervention, 18 for immediate sanction, 22 for intermediate sanction, 7 for residential treatment, and 4 for reentry. As has been shown, most of the programs (179) belong to the first level of prevention and early intervention, and the rest of programs (51) for juvenile criminals are related to the second-fifth level of sanctions. (The total number may be over 211 because some programs are applied to more than two levels of sanction.) These 211 individual programs have also been uated based on concept frame of program, precision, uation design, and empirical evidence, and classified into three category : exemplary, effective, and promising. Among these programs, there are 39 exemplary programs, 80 effective ones, and 92 promising ones.

4. Analysis of Characteristics of Major Individual Programs
In the OJJDP programs, risk factors and protective factors related to juvenile delinquency have been dealt with. Analysis of detailed factors shows that all three category of programs (exemplary, effective, and promising) have mostly addressed individual level of factors among risk factors, and nextly family level of factors. However, it is also revealed that exemplary programs have addressed friends level of factors as much as family level, but that effective or promising programs have dealt with school level of factors in the next place. It is shown that in the case of protective factors, among exemplary programs, individual level of factors has been addressed in 27 of them, family level of factors in 16 of them, school level in 12 of them, friends level in 16 of them, and community level in 4 of them.
Overall, in all three category of programs, individual level of factors among protective factors have been mostly dealt with. Nextly, in exemplary programs, family level and friends level have equally been dealt with. Then in effective programs, school level is nextly addressed and in promising programs, family level is also nextly addressed.

5. Detailed Review on Contents and Operation of Representative Programs
Among exemplary programs, two representative programs are selected and then introduced in detail : 1) Early Risers : Skills for Success and 2) Nurse Family Partnership. Based on a variety of data and resources, detailed account of those two programs is presented here.

6. Conclusion
This study, as part of attempts to develop more effective prevention programs against juvenile recidivism in Korea, has reviewed and introduced a whole array of individual programs listed in the Model Programs Guide suggested by the OJJDP in the U. S. for prevention of juvenile delinquency and recidivism.
Based on this study, it is strongly suggested here that 1) like the OJJDP's comprehensive program, graduated sanctions and treatment should be developd ; 2) the importance of prevention and early intervention should be highly emphasized ; 3) uation tools for risk and needs should be widely utilized ; 4) multi-agency connections and partnership should be indispensable ; 5) besides contents of programs, how the programs are actually operated are utmost important.
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