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KICJ Research Reports

Korean Crimes & Protection Measures in Southeast Asia 사진
Korean Crimes & Protection Measures in Southeast Asia
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Junoh Jang, Wansoo Lee, Sunghye Ko
  • Date December 01, 2011
  • Hit221


1. Purpose, contents and method of the study

A) Purpose of the study
Korean residents in Thailand of the Philippines often face many difficulties to settle down and adapt, because of the various kinds of crime, political unrest, as well as chronic problems such as lack of public order and corruption.
By understanding the damage and harm of the crime which foreign residents in Thailand and the Philippines are experiencing, this research suggests various and practical policies that can efficiently protect Korean residents in the Philippines and Thailand from the crime.

B) Contents of the study
First of all, we figure out the aspect of damage and harm of the crime experience of Koreans and the relationship of crime victimization and fear of crime damage, the current situation of crime and harm experience related with individual's demographic characteristic, as well as region and other related variable.
Secondly, we investigate possible counter plan such as improving existing system's problem or adopting new system to prevent damage and harm of the crime within Koreans in the Philippines and Thailand.

C) Method of the study
To find of contents of the study, we have gathered materials through conducting literature review, official government statistics analysis, survey and in-depth interviews. For the study, researchers visited the Philippines and Thailand and conducted survey and in-depth interviews as well as the analysis of damage and harm of the crime related the secondary data.
To form rapport with interested people in Korean society, we have conducted face-to-face interviews (focus group interview) repeatedly and contacted Korean residences in various and different situation such as variety of residential district, age, period of residence, participation level of Korean Association and occupation. The point that we could apprehend the current situation objectively through in-depth interviews such as the problem of Korean self-support communities, included Korean Association and sojourning institution’s limitation such as embassy is the chief strength.

2. The Experience of Korean residences' damage and harm of the crime - the Philippines

A) Result of the research on the actual condition

1) Demographic characteristic
55.3% of the respondents have live in the Philippines for less than 5 years and 68.3% graduated a-four-year University. However, their monthly household income was not high, 52.1% were below 3,000 US dollars. Nevertheless, the respondents believe they belong to upper class(48.7%) or middle class(44.6%).
The reasons they stay in the Philippines were for education (their own 37.3%, children 18.1%) and sojourning employees or overseas detached duties were 10.9%. The most difficulties they face while living were anxiety regarding crime damage(29.3%) and sadness from being apart with family(23.1%) and those two consisted more than 50%.

2) Attitude towards people of the Philippines
It turns out respondents have awareness that people of the Philippines do not observe the law and are unreliable, and they have not formed average close relationship with Filipinos.

3) Factors related with crime
Respondents have defensive relationship with neighbors such as reacting after something happens, but they feel that both residential area(61.9%) and working area(53.9%) are safe. They feel that there is no such big difference in crime occurrence in residential area, but the total number of crime in the Philippines and Korean residences related crime is both increasing. However, they are very negative about the Philippine's police activities and they do not expect any of basic function including patrol and protection.
The respondent’s choice for Philippine’s the most serious crime was murder(50.7%), robbery(49.3%), burglary(32.8%). Meanwhile, the easiest crime Koreans could commit is gambling(64.2%), fraud(59.3%), and prostitution(23.4%); and robbery(51.5%), burglar(48.1%), and fraud(46.2%) are easily vulnerable. Korean residences are afraid of affected by crime of the unknown(42.5%) and Filipinos(46.0%). Specifically, burglary(65.7%), robbery(60.7%), kidnapping/lure(56.7%), murder(51.5%) and assault(43.5%) were mentioned in the order of fear they have. In comparison, the crime they have experienced while living in the Philippines was mostly robbery(35.8%), fraud(18.5%) and burglary(9.7%), and during past 12 months, the most frequent crime damage experience was the same type, robbery(26.4%), fraud(10.7%), and burglary(5.4%).

4) Preventive means of crime
The effective means to prevent the crime are to understand and respect the Philippines culture(81.9%), do not carry firearm such as gun(74.6%), avoid crime-racked district (74.4%), do not show a rich man image(73.9%), keep favorable relationship with Filipinos(73.4%) and avoid crime-racked time and gatherings(71.8%).
The preventive means respondents consider were a lot of demands that can be done at national level.
Regarding they want Korean government, preparing system for overseas Korean protection(85.7%), installing protective device for Koreans in the Philippines. For the Philippines government, they answered reinforcing social public orders(86.5%), reinforcing punishment for offenders(82.9%), establishing supporting institution for crime victims those are foreigners(82.7%) and eradicating illegalities and corruptions(81.7%).

B) Result of in-depth interviews

1) Attitude towards the Philippines
If Koreans do not understand the cultural and historical difference, they would face difficulties in every part such as business, living, forming relationship, etc. and they would end up being a stranger. The best way is to understand the other and decide and behave reasonably.

2) Attitude towards Filipinos
Filipinos are kind, open-minded as well as prominent. However, they prefer to be equally treated rather than having difference in effort and ability.
Especially, they tend to require more to foreigners. On the other hand, because of the westernized law and practice based on reasonable procedure and relationship, they cannot accept or push ahead the work if it is not based on principle or .

3) Difficulties to settle down in the Philippines
Due to business practices and living that ignores principle and basics, Korean residences have difficulties such as that is not complete or incompact contract. They use illegal methods to solve problems or easily give up and maintain unstable living as the weak.

4) Damage or harm crime experience
Korean residences are always being subjected to crime damage because of improper status for staying and running business. The victims for fraud crime against Koreans are mostly those who do not have information about the Philippines, especially when they implement recklessly with lack of investment related information.
Due to local casino, 'gambling- organized crime- crime by contract- foreign exchange related crime’ are interrelated and happening very often. Member of organized crime’s invasion to normal Korean residences’ living and business is gradually concerned.
Normally, shortly staying people like tourists and language course learning students are being easily exposed to crime due to lack of understanding regarding current atmosphere.

5) Reason of exposure to crime damage
The crime that happens because of not avoiding risky spot and time with lack of understanding about local situation is not a few.
In the case of fraud that within Koreans, the crime may not have happened locally, but in most of the case, the victim for crime is designated in Korea and lured to the Philippines.

6) Request to embassy
- To actively develop the information and reference regarding crime and distribute in various ways
- To support aggressively and reasonably regarding institution collaborates with consul and executive from Korean Association regarding crime case
- To foster or adjust role of reliable legal supporting institution in the Philippines
- Through collaboration with relevant authorities, improve visa process and secure labor force for police in charge of Korean

3. The Experience of Korean residences' damage and harm of the crime - Thailand

A) Result of the research on the actual condition

1) Demographic characteristic
44.7% out of 394 Koreans living in Bangkok and Pattaya was men and 55.3% was women. In the aspects of age profile, 20s or under was 16.5%, 30s 29.9%, 40s 38.1% and 50s or over was 15.5%.
In the aspects of the period of residence, 19.6% was less than 2 years, 2 to 5 years was 17.8%, 5 to 10 years was 28.5% and more than 10 years was 34.2%. Regarding the reason they live in Thailand, sojourning employees or overseas detached duties was 20.9%, to live easily economically and psychologically was 18.8%, to earn money was 16.0%. 7.1% live because of their children’s education and people living because of their own education were not much, it was 8.9%.

2) Attitude towards people of Thai
While Korean residences tend to have neutral position which is neither positive nor negative, they do not have a lot of complaints. However, the awareness that Thai often does not observe the law was dominant.
Approximately 30% out of Korean residences answered normally they are not friends with Thai even though almost there is no Thai who threats or annoys them. It is difficult to say Korean residences in Thailand are aggressively interacting with Thai.

3) Factors related with crime 5.1% responded that they recognize the area they are living is not safe, and more than 1/3 answered they are get along well with neighbors.
4 out of 10 Korean residences in Thailand answered they do not know the trend of crime occurrence of their residential district nor Korean involved crimes. Meanwhile, 33.2% answered that crimes against Koreans are increasing, and 32.0% answered crimes committed by Koreans are increasing.
Regarding Thailand’s police activities, they are very negative and they do not expect any of basic function including patrol and protection.
The respondent’s choice for Thailand’s the most serious crime was
corruption(41.2%)> Drug running/taking(31.1%)> burglary(29.5%)> fraud(28.8%)> murder/robbery(26.9%). On the other hand, the easiest crime Koreans could commit is fraud(70.4%) and gambling(49.7%), while fraud(65.1%), robbery(54.5%) and burglary(41.6%) are easily vulnerable to Koreans.
Korean residences are afraid of affected by crime of unknown burglary(57.7%), robbery(48.6%), and fraud(43.6%). The crime they have experienced while living in Thailand was burglary(26.6%), fraud(17.2%) and robbery(5.9%), corruption/bribery(5.2%), cyber crime(4.7%), stalking/threat(3.9%), etc.

4) Preventive means of crime
Regarding regulation that people have to obey to prevent the crime, most of the people indicated that people have to understand and respect the culture of the country they are staying(81.8%). Other than these, do not carry firearm such as gun(81.7%), avoid crime-racked district(80.5%), and avoid leaving home during crime-racked time(78.3%) Apart from these, they pointed out maintaining favorable relationship with the country they are staying(75.0%) and avoid showing rich looking image(68.2%).
The preventive means respondents consider were a lot of demands that can be done at national level.
Regarding they want Korean government, preparing system for Korean residence protection(89.1%), installing protective device for Koreans in Thailand(90.3%) and implementing preventing education from the embassy or Korean community(72.9%). Large number of Korean residences asked for Thailand government to reinforce social public orders(86.7%), reinforcing punishment for offenders(86.7%), establishing supporting institution for crime victims those are foreigners(83.5%) and eradicating illegalities and corruptions(86.4%).

B) Result of in-depth interviews

1) Attitude towards Thailand
Among South East Asia countries, Thailand’s public order is on the safe side. However, people consider Thailand as a country where drug, prostitution, assault by contract is possible as well as a country with rampant corruption and thorough protection towards their nationals. Thais are positive and gentle but when they suffer from disadvantage, they always revenge and transient and dishonest.

2) Difficulties to settle down in Thailand
Koreans in Thailand is rather intimidated by the fact that they settle down and live in Thailand which is not an advanced country. They also worry about the increasing number of case of unconfident Korean’s entrance to Thailand.
They commonly indicate that life in Thailand without understanding about Thailand’s culture is reckless, very dangerous and hard to adapt.

3) Damage or harm crime experience
The respondents said that the crime damage of Korean residences and tourists has different aspects, and the cause of the crime is ‘lack of information’ and ‘lack of understanding about culture difference’. Especially, tourists are vulnerable to damage because of lack of information and complacent attitude. Tourists consider prostitution or drug can be easily done, but it seems like people do not know that drug is illegal and the punishment is very strict. More general crime victims are rip-off at tourist attractions, suffering from usurpation due to falsely damaged goods. Meanwhile, Korean residences are easily victimized of real estate or investment related fraud. They also suffer from burglary, but people have not seen them doing drugs or prostitution. Korean residences say that they are victimized because of the lack of knowledge about Thailand’s law and systems, Thai language at the level of illiterate, temptation that money can be earned easily. What is even more shocking is that there is Korean perpetrator behind the damage, and they wanted to get the appropriate help at the right time.

4) Reason of exposure to crime damage
Lack of understanding about Thai language and related law and attitude with paternalism towards Koreans is the reason of the crime damage. Especially, many Koreans suffer from real estate investment related fraud. They advised that people asking for investment with high interest are mostly fraud. Because there is not enough institutions with public confidence where people can trust rely on regarding law or contract and some Korean accounting firms using those weaknesses, sanctions are needed regarding those. Korean residences also need to have introspection for attitudes such as ignoring the basic rules, insisting unconditionally.

5) Request to embassy
Although Koreans stay illegally in Thailand, they have right to be protected in the crime damage circumstances, they expect the embassy to take basic measures such as translation and law related counseling to protect nationals. The adjustment of embassy office hours is needed and Koreans residences demand for reducing embassy’s bureaucratic and prestigious attitude because they consider the support for overseas Koreans the same as business of diplomacy. It is time for the communication between embassy and various levels of Korean residences.
Korean residences expect Korean Association to find out the current status of Korean residences’ living and they want Korean Association to be respected while having more interests about welfare. Meanwhile, Korean residence should be protected and assert one’s right through official process such as registering as overseas residents and participating in Korean Association.

4. Policy Implication

Based on the result of the study, the summary of the policy to deduce the damage and harm of the crime of Korean living abroad is as follows. First of all, the understanding about the sojourning country should be precedent, and then basic common sense such as all sorts of law and systems should be prepared. People are vulnerable to crime because of the lack of information about the sojourning country and culture difference as well as complacent attitude. Therefore, one must correctly notify the public order and crime aspects of the visiting country. Not to be falsely involved with crime damage of harm, one should notify the things that need to be aware of.
Secondly, when Koreans, staying in the Philippines and Thailand are making a contract or dealings, you should always objectively identify the other’s sincerity and possibility of success as well as leaving ation. When Korean residences make a contract with a native, they should correctly understand law and practices first. Thirdly, Korean Association should actively support Korean residences’ by making phased supporting solutions such as early settlement (i.e. provide information related with contracts for housing, vehicle and basic living), adaption(i.e. law, language, culture education and problem prevention) as well as solution when accident happens. To receive effective support, Korean residences should register Korean Association and overseas residents as well as communicating and participating reunion regularly. For these, Korean Association should continuously provide and give various opportunities for education programs regarding local law and language.
Fourthly, Korea Embassy should indirectly and surely give support for Korean Association and Korean residences. When accident happens, the embassy officially requesting collaboration to local government itself is helpful to Korean residence and burden to attacker. Embassy should play key functional role by flexibly and openly communicating with Korean residences, supporting Korean Association and developing and distributing information booklets. The translation service and embassy collaboration system and function need reinforcement to support crime victims. Fifthly, Korean government should find practical supporting solutions such as providing contact information for victim supports for local sojourner including tourists, uating embassy activities for Korean residence service, developing insurance for crime victim and best practices. Korean government should provide information regarding frequently happening crime targeting foreigners in visiting country and should prevent the crime victim by correctly notifying visiting country’s safety related information. Additionally, Korean government should revitalize support of Korea cyber National Police Agency and Korea Legal Aid Corporation.
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