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KICJ Research Reports

Improving Forensic Psychiatry in Korea 사진
Improving Forensic Psychiatry in Korea
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Sunghoon An
  • Date December 01, 2011
  • Hit309


In modern society, not only have traditional crimes committed out of resentment or to get money reported but other crimes caused by momentary impulse or mental illness have occurred. Considering the fact that criminal offenses by the mentally disabled are on the rise, proper treatment and care should be provided to them before they return to society in order to ensure safety of people and protect them from such crimes.
This paper examines laws and institutions that hinder treatment and management of mentally challenged offenders. Then this paper suggests ways to improve current systems and conditions.
In Chapter 2, definitions of key words mentioned in this study are given to give a broad picture of forensic psychiatry. Significance and necessity of forensic psychiatry are reviewed because results of review could provide standards of comparing Korea’s systems and institutions to those of foreign countries.
In Chapter 3, this paper examines the current state of the forensic psychiatry system and then looks into procedures and the enforcement process for putting mentally disabled offenders into medical care, treatment and custody.
In Chapter 4, each foreign country's forensic psychiatry system is analyzed, for example procedures of compulsory mental health in the United States, Canada, Germany, and Japan. Based on statistics and advisory material obtained by visiting the facilities, current status of operation is looked closely into. This review offers future directions that Korea should follow and ways to improve its system.
In Chapter 5, this paper checks legal and institutional problems that Korean forensic psychiatry has. It also suggests possible solutions to deal with the current problems. In Chapter 6, conclusions are drawn.
We should accurately review and improve current management system of mentally disabled offenders in order to prevent potential crimes by those with mental illness and support the offenders successfully return to society.
We have to make efforts raise awareness of mental disorders because social prejudice against people with mental illness and mental health facilities leads to inappropriate treatment of them. furthermore, anyone could be a victim of a crime that they commit. Away from a passive approach, active treatments and appropriate management and treatment are urgently required to properly deal with the problems we have.
  • pdf 첨부파일 치료감호제도의_개선방안_연구.pdf (6.61MB / Download:353) Download