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KICJ Research Reports

Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Programmes in Prison 사진
Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Programmes in Prison
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Eunyoung Kang, Sungman Shin, Minji Hong
  • Date December 01, 2012
  • Hit592


Correctional rehabilitation program can lower the recidivism rates of the offenders effectively and reduce the social costs caused by crimes. Clinicians think that correctional rehabilitation program has been failed even though recidivism and relapse rate in criminals have been reduced. I t is because of ‘clinician’s illusion’, kind of false belief. It brings lack of effort and investment on correctional rehabilitation program. Therefore, the correctional rehabilitation program that has been carried out and studied so far needs more investment and supplementation.

Based on the studies of correctional rehabilitation so far, the correctional rehabilitation program requires the following three elements. First, correctional rehabilitation program needs to be relationship-centered and motivational in order to increase the participation rate and spontaneity of the recipient. Second, correctional rehabilitation program should be focused on reestablishing the meaning of meaning-centered life. Third, correctional rehabilitation program needs to be evidence-based and integrated. Among these, leadership should be considered as an important element of change. The client needs a continuous effort to make a plan, motivate, and prevent relapses for the change of the client. Thus, change is a very difficult process and we have many reasons to resist changes.

A representative treatment-rehabilitation program for drug offenders in correctional institution that has been well conducted in foreign country is California Correctional Rehabilitation Program. This program’s main treatment program, the Therapeutic Community model (such as Amity-RJD), and aftercare program (such as SACAS, FOTEP) lowered the recidivism rate effectively and delayed readmission process. According to the study of prison-based treatment system done at UCLA, quantitative analysis on TC treatment participants and return-to-prison rate consistently showed that it is important to continue drug abuse treatment in the society after being released from the prison-based treatment.

TC model is first used by British psychiatrist Maxwell Jones in 1953 to treat patients with mental disorders. After that, in late 50’s, Synanon movement occurred in California, having big influence on ‘addict therapeutic community’. During that time, none of the treatments for drug addiction was effective but the Synanon movement showed drug addicts the hope that they can be recovered and many addicts could stop their drug usages while staying in therapeutic community.

For therapeutic community, the mutual self-help treatment learning model has the following treatment stages.
First of all, behavior management tools include talk to, speak to, deal with, verbal hair cut, learning experience, prospect chair, general meeting, bench/chair, ban, preliminary morning meeting, morning meeting, house meeting, confrontation, confrontation chair, guilt confrontation, peer confrontation group, encounter group, tight house, incident book, and treatment plan.
Secondly, alcohol and drug addicts typically suffer from serious emotional problems such as low self-esteem, confused identity, lack of patience in times of frustration, sense of guilt, depression, and anger. Emotional tool includes intake interview, emotional interview/intial interview, static group, probe group, extended group, marathon group, one to one counseling, younger member group, art feeling workshop, weekend wrap up, pre/post request group, group for special problems, and relapse prevention group.
Thirdly, it is important to connect the spiritual side to human desires as a part of rehabilitation. Intellectual and spiritual development tools should be investigated. These tools are interrelated and change in one side is related to bringing change in the other side. Intellectual and spiritual development tools include seminar, daytop philosophy, the unwritten philosophies, theme of the week, and word of the day.
Lastly, the job/survival skill tool can divide community organization into orientation/house keeping team, kitchen team, communications team/business team, expeditor team, landscaping team, management team, operation team, and laundry team. It also includes department meeting, job change, individual request and accountability for job change, job uation, self-uation, job positions, upper structure meeting, chain of command, position related special duty (role expectation for the members according to their residence period), role of person in charge of the whole community operation related special duty, phases of treatment, and other job training.

According to a recent reference, ratio of inmates who are related to drug and alcohol addiction constitutes up to 75%. Views on these addicts differ among theories. Typical views on alcoholics are moral model, temperance model, disease model, educational model, characterological model, conditioning model, social learning/cognitive behavior model, biological models, general family system model, and sociocultural model. The position on cause of addiction, need for abstinence, and object of treatment differs among each model. Understanding and therapeutic approach on drug addiction roughly constitutes of psychodynamic approach, classical/operant learning theory based behavioral approach, social learning approach, family therapy approaches, self-help group/support group, and pharmacological approach. In the process of planning correctional rehabilitation program, a decision on choosing the right approach should be made considering the reactivity of the recipient. In order to consider the recipient’s reactivity, client’s change stage, conditions of the individual, such as substance abuse, race, gender, and social status, should be considered.

One thing that can be suggested with TC is an aftercare program based on case management. Job training for the inmates should be provided not only in the prison, but also after being released from the prison to provide clients with skills that can help them to get jobs when they return to society. In the current job training system, the range of choice for training is not broad, focused on acquiring certain licenses, the trend is organized on employment promising jobs, and there are difficulties on extending investment.

ACT (Assertive Community Treatment) is one of case management model for the mentally disabled. Along with basic case management functions, it provides most of needed services. For this service, a multidisciplinary team is composed, including psychiatrist, nurses, rehabilitation counselor, substance abuse counselor, and case manager. They provide services that are needed in adjusting to local society. Job training is not a temporary concept. Instead, it should provide drug offenders with a continuous care until they get a job and adjust to their places of work successfully. Substance abusers need a continuous care from the drug management to managing daily life under the job training. Therefore, ACT methods can be very effective.
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