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KICJ Research Reports

Aggressive Driving and Road Rage in Korea 사진
Aggressive Driving and Road Rage in Korea


Despite widespread social interest in aggressive driving, road rage, and various
legislative changes based on an awareness of the seriousness of such behaviors,
there is still a lack of empirical studies on the characteristics of individuals
involved in aggressive driving and road rage. The purpose of this study was to
provide preliminary data that support the understanding of the aggressive driving
and road rage and to develop the policies to reduce and prevent violent crimes
on the road. For this, both quantitative and qualitative research methods are
used; drivers' perceptions and actual experiences of aggressive driving and road
rage were identified through empirical research, and legal cases were reviewed
to discover the problems with legislative provisions in Korea, as well as related
legal systems and preventive measures in other countries, such as the United
States, United Kingdom, and Australia.

The results from surveys and in-depth interviews indicate that drivers who
exhibit road rage often have engaged simultaneously in aggressive driving. It has
been shown empirically that the victim-offender overlap in aggressive driving
and road rage; perpetrators and victims are in the same group who share similar
characteristics. On the other hand, the survey revealed the differences between
those who experience single victimization/offense and those who experience
multiple victimization/offenses; damage/loss from aggressive driving and road
rage, general perceptions on driving, and driving anger are different. This
confirms the need to reflect the specificity of each action in developing
prevention policy and publicizing it. Perpetrators and victims of road rage tried
to remember what is in their favors from each standpoint, reflecting our society's
lack of empathy and consideration for the other's situation. In addition, there
have been differences in social demographic characteristics, fears, attitudes
toward and exposure to general violence, general violent crime experiences
(involving damages), tensions in daily life, and level of self-control, depending
on the type of experience(victimization and perpetration) with aggressive driving
and/or road rage. These differences show that traffic-related factors are not the
only triggers for violent behaviors on the road. Instead, aggressive driving and
road rage experiences are closely related to attitudes and experiences from
everyday life. Therefore, it is required to establish more comprehensive policies
that accompanies general social awareness and institutional change.

This study does not address all various and heterogeneous types of violence
on the road. ; only part of aggressive driving and road rage are considered.
Furthermore, it is difficult to secure survey participants who are willing to
cooperate in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. For the interpretation and
application of survey results need careful consideration because respondents from
the current online survey utilize online panels assembled with voluntary

In particularly for the sample of the older adults aged 60 or older, a
combination of a household visit interview and an online panel was used, since
it is difficult to secure online panels of elderly. Thus, greater attention is required
in interpreting the research results. Despite these limitations, this study is
important in that to provide empirical data on aggressive driving and road rage
experiences in Korea focusing on characteristics from various levels including
individual and environment related factors; furthermore, a mixture of quantitative
and qualitative surveys was employed. There still a problem in which the concept
of aggressive driving and road rage is ambiguous, and the understanding of the
related issues is insufficient. In the current study, the concept of aggressive driving
and road rage was clearly delineated and both perpetration and victimization
experience are considered for better understanding. Another aim of the study
was to review legal responses to aggressive driving and road rage in Korea.

Responses and countermeasures to these violence on the road abroad were
examined, United States, United Kingdom, and Australia were considered. The
ultimate direction of the policy and related preventive policies including legal
responses and social changes were proposed. With this study as a starting point,
it is hoped that further studies related to aggressive driving and road rage will
be carried out, concepts and measurement of the aggressive driving and road
rage, empirical research regarding various aspects on the violence on the road,
and comparative studies at the legal and institutional policies are expected.
  • pdf 첨부파일 20-A-01_난폭보복운전 예방을 위한 상태조사연구_(0305).pdf (7.71MB / Download:1102) Download