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KICJ Research Reports

Annual Report on UNㆍInternational Cooperation and Research for Crime Prevention (XVII): Publication of English Journal (IJCJ) and International Dissemination of Research Results 사진
Annual Report on UNㆍInternational Cooperation and Research for Crime Prevention (XVII): Publication of English Journal (IJCJ) and International Dissemination of Research Results
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Jeongsook Yoon, Youngoh Jo, Hyewon Kwon, Hansol Jung
  • ISBN979-11-91565-28-
  • Date December 31, 2021
  • Hit389


The Korean Institute of Criminology and Justice (KICJ) has contributed to the field of crime and judicial affairs actively by introducing Korea’s criminal and judicial policies to the world. A report in “Annual Report on UNㆍInternational Cooperation for Crime Prevention (ⅩⅦ): Publication of English Journal (IJCJ) and International Dissemination of Research Results” prepared by the International Cooperation Division this year disseminated research reports and other publications published by the KICJ on- and off-line by preparing English versions for the multilingual homepage and English journal projects in an integrated manner. Research results are disseminated by the Division via a multilingual homepage on a permanent basis and through participation in international forums, international symposiums, meetings hosted by related organizations such as UNODC and UNPNI, and regular on-line publicity.

Publications prepared and published by the Division include Trends and Policies in Criminal Justice (TPCJ), Crimes and Criminal Justice Policy in Korea (CCJPK), International Journal of Criminal Justice (IJCJ). The English quarterly newsletter is called the “KICJ Newsletter”. TPCJ includes research reports in the form of pamphlets as the main academic compilation project of the Division every month. The Division has distributed mainstream nationally authored papers, including various visual materials, to leading organizations, the academic world, UNPNI organizations, experts, etc. In particular, TPCJ has been treated as a key project of the Division since 2020. For the last two years, reports and designs have been improved in quality through cross-examination of English translations and editing. The Division has selected important issues at home and abroad from the Korean version of ‘Crimes and Criminal Justice Policy in Korea (CCJPK)’ which the Division has published every year in English since 2015. In 2021, considering reports on contemporary trends such as ‘Crime Trends and Characteristics’ and ‘Current Status and Response Measures by Crime Type’ in the CCJPK report, the Division reuated its publication methods. In order to more ly distribute important materials to experts and researchers at home and abroad, the Division adopted a method of publishing in three volumes throughout the year the publications which were previously published in one volume at the end of every year. These publications were also made available on-line.

The English journal (IJCJ) has been the main project of the Division since it was first published in 2019 in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the KICJ. The IJCJ project has been conducted according to a five year development roadmap. English articles of the IJCJ are written by experts in the field of criminal policy, judicial affairs, criminology, and terrorism across the globe to make an academic contribution to global exchange of knowledge. Since 2020, the KICJ has published the journal biannually (end of June, end of December). Thanks to the Division’s proactive self-promotion and calls for submissions, manus with various subjects have been submitted from the USA, Europe, Asia, Africa, etc. The Division aims to register the IJCJ in KCI, SSCI, SCOPUS according to the long-term roadmap. Next year, the IJCJ project will be reorganized by strengthening the strictness of paper examination, publication ethics, editing services and improving the submission system.

The English homepage was made in 2009 to publicize researchers and domestic research. In 2016, the English homepage was reorganized and a Chinese homepage was added. In 2020, the multilingual homepage was reorganized. During the reorganization conducted in 2020, the KICJ improved accessibility to the multilingual homepage and reinforced the dissemination of papers internationally by focusing on the ‘composition of contents’, ‘user friendliness’ and ‘implementation of functions’. In 2021, functions of bidirectional communication, design composition and links to social networks were improved. In particular, as the name of the institute was changed on May 18, 2021, the name, CI (logo), and the organization chart on the official webpage were changed as well. The Division regularly provides news updates on international conferences and research in which it participates on its multilingual homepage, along with news from the Korean homepage. In addition, the Division publishes the KICJ by updating news and research frequently through social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. The Division aims to produce and publish high quality research through various channels and to make every effort to introduce the KICJ’s news and publications to the field.

  • pdf 첨부파일 21-B-08 세부과제(3) 영문저널 발간 및 연구 성과의 국제적 확산_내지 최종.pdf (25.13MB / Download:103) Download