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KICJ Research Reports

Examination of improvement measures to diversify juvenile protection disposition: Focusing on improving supervisory of probation through electronic methods 사진
Examination of improvement measures to diversify juvenile protection disposition: Focusing on improving supervisory of probation through electronic methods
  • LanguageKorean
  • Authors Sangkyun Bae, Youngoh Jo, Myeonki Kim, Mijin Kim, Jusung Yoo, Yuh-kyoung Rhie
  • Date December 31, 2023
  • Hit173


  In order to effectively respond to changing youth crimes, Korean society stipulates various protective dispositions under the Juvenile Act by accommodating juvenile offenders to juvenile protection institutions or adjusting the environment and behavior of anti-social youth through community-based treatment. Nevertheless, there is a constant public call for additional measures to prevent juvenile recidivism because there is public concern over the changing forms and seriousness of juvenile delinquency and juvenile crime.

  However, the juvenile recidivism prevention measure should be examined to align with the purpose of the Juvenile Act, not be in the same direction as prevention measures for adult offenders. In this context, the aim of this study is to seek effective improvement of the juvenile probation system by reviewing major statuses such as juvenile crime status, recidivism rate, juvenile probation status, and the status of the disposition curfew order.

  On the other hand, Korean society has recently faced changes in many areas, including the way of life, as the COVID-19 pandemic has passed and faced an endemic era. Juvenile protection institutions are in the circumstance to accomplish two goals: the normal operation of education and programs and the physical aspect of prevention of contagious disease to achieve the purpose of the Juvenile Act, the healthy growth of youth. Considering these circumstances and the response to the various causes of juvenile delinquency and juvenile crime, it is imperative to address protective dispositions appropriate for juveniles in prevention measures for juvenile recidivism.

  Hence, securing a more diverse community-based treatment plan can aid juvenile reintegration into society. In this context, this study examined the diversification of juvenile protection dispositions to prevent concerns about infectious diseases accompanied by the accommodation of institutions by strengthening community-based treatment while also improving the treatment of juveniles by utilizing advanced ICT technologies such as SNS and smartphone applications. There is a need for a shift from a focus on treatment within institutions to a perspective that focuses on how to diversify and improve probation as a community-based treatment that accounts for most juvenile protection dispositions. Notably, Given the current situation of low birth rates and aging, healthy growth for each youth is an essential task for Korean society.

  Overseas countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and France are also making great efforts to strengthen the juvenile probation system as a form of community-based treatment no less than treatment within institutions such as juvenile detention centers. Since these two treatments are complementary, it is reasonable to compare and examine them within the framework of protection disposition. Therefore, as an improvement for the Korean juvenile probation system, it is necessary to approach it from another perspective, to introduce probation guidance and supervision methods through electronic methods to improve the effect of preventing recidivism. In particular, non-face-to-face interactions are familiar for juveniles who have been exposed to digital since birth.

  Changes in the circumstances in juvenile probation and the development of ICT technology due to the pandemic are still effective in the current endemic era, and review of probation guidance and supervision through these electronic methods will significantly contribute to substantializing the juvenile probation system in terms of preventing recidivism. This study conducted a survey on probation officers and probationers regarding the appropriateness of supervision through electronic methods to improve the probation system. As a result, electronic methods were uated more positively than the existing voice surveillance system regarding human rights protection and prevention of recidivism. However, to realize electronic methods, it is precede to have sufficient support in terms of workforce and facilities.

  Thus, this study examines the need for expanding community-based treatment according to the development of ICT technology and the endemic era, as well as the need for supervision through electronic methods as a preventive measure for juvenile recidivism. The study proposed a measure to improve the Korean juvenile probation system based on findings of comparative legal research and surveys. This study is anticipated to be the primary data necessary for future legislative and working organizations to prepare more flexible and practical measures for juvenile recidivism prevention. 

  • pdf 첨부파일 23-A-09 소년 보호처분 다양화를 위한 개선 방안 검토-전자적 방법을 통한 보호관찰 지도감독 개선을 중심으로.pdf (4.21MB / Download:408) Download