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International Journal of Criminal Justice (IJCJ)

3. Breaking the Cycle of Juvenile Justice: A Review of Juvenile Mental Health Courts 사진
3. Breaking the Cycle of Juvenile Justice: A Review of Juvenile Mental Health Courts
  • Authors Jaeyong Choi, Randolph D. Hicks
  • Hit314


Juvenile mental health courts (JMHCs) are problem-solving courts devoted to serving youth offenders with mental illnesses. Thie current study offers a comprehensive review of JMHCs, linking the establishment of JMHCs to a broader historical context. Recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions (Roper v. Simons, 2005; Graham v. Florida, 2011; Miller v. Alabama, 2012; Montgomery v. Louisiana, 2016) and a brief history of reform in juvenile justice are discussed to highlight the context in which JMHCs emerged. The implementation of JMHCs and their empirical status, as well as their potential problems, are summarized. After reviewing empirical evidence of mental health courts (MHCs), the current research concludes that the appearance of JMHCs signals the possibility of breaking the cycle of juvenile justice, which has been often guided by the public sentiment.
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