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International Journal of Criminal Justice (IJCJ)

2. Parenting Practices as a Mediating Factor between Neighborhood Disadvantage and Delinquency 사진
2. Parenting Practices as a Mediating Factor between Neighborhood Disadvantage and Delinquency
  • Authors Young S. Kim, Brian G. Sellers
  • Hit328


The present study examines the mediating role of parenting practices between neighborhood disadvantage and adolescent delinquency by analyzing data from the first wave of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (ADD-Health). The results showed that neighborhood disadvantage, parenting practices, adolescents’ low self-control, and delinquency are significantly interrelated with each other. However, the significant effect of neighborhood disadvantage on delinquency at one time became ‘insignificant’ after four variables of parenting practices are controlled. Furthermore, parenting practices maintained their significant effects on delinquency even after controlling for adolescents’ low self-control and other developmental outcomes. These findings suggest that not only may parenting practices mediate the relationship between neighborhood disadvantage and delinquency, but also parenting practices may have a direct independent effect on delinquency. The present study provides important implications for the development of delinquency prevention programs focused on improving parenting skills.
  • pdf 첨부파일 (최종) 형사정책_Vol.3 Issue 1-1_FINAL.pdf (450.77KB / Download:241) Download