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International Journal of Criminal Justice (IJCJ)

5. What is Justice Reinvestment? A Review of Policies and Practices 사진
5. What is Justice Reinvestment? A Review of Policies and Practices
  • Authors Richard L. Wentling, Jaeyong Choi
  • Hit476


Justice reinvestment is a correctional approach to criminal justice, hinging on reducing prison populations while diverting prison-based funding into community programs (Tucker & Cadora, 2003). Justice reinvestment policies were first piloted in 2006 and have since led to federal legislation in the United States (Criminal Justice Reinvestment Act, 2010) and subsequent reauthorizations in 2015 and 2019. Since the passing of the initial legislation, Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI) programs have risen to nationwide popularity in the United States, with more than 30 states pursuing reinvestment-related policies. The following paper offers a critical review of the growing popularity of justice reinvestment in the United States to include the most common policies associated with the Justice Reinvestment Initiative and barriers to implementing the JRI approach. State policies and associated grant-based funding strategies are discussed, with recommendations offered for sustaining JRI policies. The current study also reviews other international approaches to justice reinvestment to highlight the widespread use of justice reinvestment.
  • pdf 첨부파일 (최종) 형사정책_Vol.3 Issue 1-4_FINAL.pdf (313.57KB / Download:284) Download