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The 11th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
  • Date 2005.04.18
  • Hit152

The Eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice was held under the theme, “Synergies and responses: strategic alliances in crime prevention and criminal justice” between 18 and 25 April 2005 in Bangkok, Thailand. Member States adopted the Bangkok Declaration and committed to take more effective concerted action to combat crime and seek justice. During the Congress, KIC hosted Workshop 6: Measures to Combat Computer-related Crime and provided a forum for sharing experience and information on recent trends in computer-related crime and successful investigation and prosecution of such crime. The workshop addressed the following issues: (a) criminalizing the misuse of information technologies; (b) formulating jurisdictional rules and other procedural provisions for investigation and international cooperation; (c) assessing the need for training law enforcement personnel to respond more effectively and expeditiously to requests for assistance in the tracing of communications; (d) expanding research on computer crime; and (e) uating guidelines, legal and technical manuals, best practices and model legislation to assist legislators and law enforcement authorities. Attached are the Annotated Provisional Agenda (A/CONF.203/1); the Bangkok Declaration as adopted by the Congress; the Discussion Guide for Workshops (A/CONF.203/PM.1); Workshop 6 Paper (A/CONF.203/14); and the agenda/program of the workshop (entitled, “Agenda for Workshop 6”).

  • pdf 첨부파일 1. 1. Annotated Provisional Agenda.pdf (166.83KB / Download:58) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 2. 2. Bangkok Declaration.pdf (492.1KB / Download:47) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 3. 3. Discussion Guide.pdf (492.1KB / Download:43) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 4. 4. Workshop 6 Paper.pdf (209.41KB / Download:74) Download
  • pdf 첨부파일 5. 5. Agenda for Workshop 6.pdf (128.34KB / Download:53) Download