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Crybercrime Prevention Training Programs Extended to Africa
  • Date 2021.02.01
  • Hit185

KIC collaborated with the United Nations Office of Drugs & Crime (UNODC) to develop a cybercrime prevention online training program. Since the projects initial launch in 2010, a virtual forum for the prevention of cybercrime, the Virtual Forum against Cybercrime (VFAC) has provided useuful information about cybercrime to law enforcement officers, researchers and general public. The online training program was first aimed at developing countries in Asia but the program was extended to many other countries and organizations worldwide. In an effort to promote cybercrime awareness to other countries and organizations, KIC joined a seminar on ‘African Countries in Legal Comparison to the Judicial Systems in South Korea’ hosted by the Legal Training of Research Instituete in January of 2011. KIC visited Tanzania and Ethiopia to introduce the project VFAC. In April of 2011 the Directorate of Public Prosecutions in Tanzania and the Ministry of Justice of Ethiopia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This will allow KIC to extend their cybercrime prevention efforts to developing countries in Asia and other.