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A Local Media Reports on The First Northeast Asia Criminal Policy Forum
  • Date 2021.02.01
  • Hit136

Korean Institute of Criminology held the First Northeast Asia Criminal Policy Forum from August 5th (Mon) to 9th (Fri), 2013, at Yanbian University in China. The local media ‘Yanbian Ilbo’ has reported the details as in following. “The First Northeast Asia Criminal Policy Forum” held in Yanbian On August 5, 2013, “The First Northeast Asia Criminal Policy Forum” was held in Yanbian University with the theme of ‘the corporative plan for the criminal policy for the stability and development of Northeast Asia’. The forum was held by both the Korean Institute of Criminology and Yanbian University. Scholars, staffs, public prosecutors from several areas in China, judges and professors from Jilin University and Liaoning University attended the forum. In this forum, both Korea and China proposed a corporative plan for criminal policy for the stability and development of Northeast Asia, and promoted the research cooperation for the development of criminal policy and of higher education. Moreover, the forum promoted academic interchange among the scholars from each country considering local cooperation to promote development. (Yanbian Ilbo, Reporter Lou Kur Jan I·Wang Kyun, Aug 6, 2013)