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Briefing Sessions on the Performance Reports of KIC
  • Date 2021.02.01
  • Hit163

The Korean Institute of Criminology (KIC) held the first briefing sessions on the performance reports of all departments of KIC since President Park’s inauguration on January 20. Starting with the Audit Division, President Park was briefed on the current situation of three research centers, Planning and Coordination Office, and Administration Office, and discussed the new projects of this year. The director of International Center for Criminal Justice, Dr. Joon Oh Jang, made a report on the joint projects with the United Nations and international academic exchanges that have been carried out so far, and the director of Convergent Criminal Law Research Center, Dr. Jin Soo Chung, presented activities of the Criminal Legislation Research Association. In addition, the director of Crime Trends and Statistics Center, Dr. Jisun Kim, reported on the progress made on the project of ‘Construction of Crime Statistics DB,’ along with an explanation of the ‘Korean Crime Victimization Survey,’ which was approved by Statistics Korea as the national survey statistics. President Park asked to promote all projects planned for this year and expressed his desire to arrange more occasions to communicate with all members of KIC at unofficial gatherings.