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KICJ-Korean Association of Criminology 2023 Annual Fall Conference
  • Date 2023.10.17
  • Hit282

KICJ, Korean Association of Criminology, and Yonsei Institute for Legal Studies convened the 2023 Annual Fall Conference at Yonsei University Law School on October 6.


Opening with a keynote lecture by KICJ President Tae-hoon Ha, presentations followed on the topic of ‘Criminal Justice Policy Studies and Criminal Justice Policy as National Policy.’


Session 1 was presided over by KICJ Vice President Jun Hwi Park. Prof. Keun Woo Lee of Gachon University and Prof. Chang On Lee of Ewha Womans University spoke on the current issues and research topics of criminal justice policies of the police and the prosecution, respectively.


Session 2 consisted of presentations on criminal justice policies of ministries of justice in the U.S., Germany, and Japan, delivered by KICJ Senior Research Fellow Han-Kyun Kim, Prof. Jun Hyouk Choi from Inha University, and Prof. Jung Min Lee from Dankook University, respectively. KICJ Senior Research Fellow Ji Sun Kim presided over the session and led discussions.


Panelists consisted of experts from various fields including Prof. MinKyung Han from the Korean National Police University, Prof. Jungnan Park from Yonsei University, Prof. Chan-geol Park from Chungbuk National University, Ingu Bae, attorney at Logos Law LLC, and Jung-ah Lee, prosecutor of the Ministry of Justice’s Criminal Legislation Division.