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Prof. Dr. Gunnar Duttge from University of Göttingen visits the KIC
  • Date 2021.03.29
  • Hit229

On September 9, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Duttge from the University of Göttingen visited the Korean Institute of Criminology (KIC) and held a workshop entitled "Integration and Harmonization of Criminal Justice," jointly with Prof. Dongyiel Syn from Hankyong National University. The event, attended by Hankyong National University students and KIC researchers, was held as part of the KIC's efforts to broaden academic exchange with the University of Göttingen and promote its research on criminal justice cooperation. Prof. Dr. Duttge spoke on the topic of “Self-Defense in German Criminal Law: Actual high court decisions” in the first session, and Prof. Syn gave a presentation on “Universal Jurisdiction in Criminal Justice Cooperation in Europe” in the second session, followed by floor discussion.