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7th National Crime Victimization Survey Conference by KICJ and Korean Criminology Association
  • Date 2022.06.21
  • Hit555

On June 17th, KICJ and Korean Criminology Association co-hosted the 7th National Crime Victimization Survey Conference on the 'crime and criminal victimization trends during the COVID-19 pandemic.' During the first session on 'the COVID-19 pandemic and a survey of national criminal victimization,' KICJ Research Fellow Dr. Hyungmin Bark spoke on 'changes in crime reporting rates during the pandemic,' and Jisu Kim from UNODC-COE talked about the 'Korea crime victim survey and international standards.' Lastly, Prof. Ji Hyon Kang from the University of Ulsan spoke on the 'help-seeking decisions of crime victims and their influencing factors.' The second session on 'crime and criminal victimization trends during the pandemic' opened with Prof. Bitna Kim from Sam Houstoon State University presenting 'a comprehensive overview of domestic violence in the pandemic: a literature analysis.' Next, Prof. Sujung Cho from Southern Illinois University gave a talk titled 'a Typology of Stalking Victims' Non-Reporting Rationales.' KICJ Research Fellow Dr. Jisun Choi participated in the discussions.