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Call for papers of Korean Criminological Review Vol. 18, No. 2 [March 28, 2007]
  • Date 2021.02.01
  • Hit256

The Institute welcomes contributions for the upcoming Korean Criminological Review Vol. 18, No. 2. Please find the guidelines as specified below: 1) the paper shall be academically creative in the area of criminal policy and shall not be published. 2) the submitted paper shall be examined for publication in accordance with the relevant regulations and upon a request for amendment(s), the contributor shall be entitled to either amend accordingly or refuse. 3) the qualifications of the contributor(s) shall be limited to professors of academia, lawyers, judges, prosecutors, Ph.D holders of criminal policy or researchers of the relevant area. 4) deadline: July 18, 2007 (Thursday) Expected Date of Publication: September For inquiries please contact Mr. Neung Kyum KIM, Senior Academic Manager, Planning and Coordination H.Q at the following contact numbers: Office Number : 02-571-0363, 3460-5153, Fasimile : 02-571-7488e-mail : kneky@kic.re.kr, kneky@hanmail.net