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A Visit of UNODC Officials
  • Date 2021.02.01
  • Hit146

A Visit of UNODC Officials Date: 20 March, 2009 Venue: Meeting Room of 12th Floor, Korean Institute of Criminology In this year, UNODC field offices have scheduled to promote rule of law in East Asia and the Pacific based on three pillars: prevention on trafficking in drugs and human; response to the challenge of corruption; and reform of the criminal justice system. Especially, the criminal justice system will encourage Member States to implement international treaties and conventions, define criminal law and regulations, improve the criminal justice system (protection of witnesses & women victims, reform of penal code & juvenile justice, and education for criminal justice officials) and foster partnership and mutual cooperation in criminal justice. In light of this project, KIC warmly welcomed two UNODC delegates Prosecutor Joon Myung Lee and Judge Michel Bonnieu. KIC has special interests in promotion on the rule of law in order to host the Workshop entitled “International Criminal Justice Education for the Rule of Law” at the 12th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in 2010.