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33rd Session of UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
  • Date 2024.05.28
  • Hit75

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Delegates including Dr. Junhwi Park, Vice President of KICJ, attended the 33rd Session of the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) held in Vienna, Austria from 13 to 17 May. This year's thematic discussion focused on promoting international cooperation and technical assistance to prevent and address organized crime, corruption, terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and other forms of crime, including in the areas of extradition, mutual legal assistance and asset recovery.

During the thematic discussion on item 5 held on 14 May, Dr. Junhwi Park emphasised the importance of responding to new forms of crime that have emerged in the digital age and outlined KICJ’s efforts to address these issues. As a panellist at the UNODC special event focusing on “Strengthening Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Digital Age” hosted by the CCPCJ Chair on 13 May, Dr. Park highlighted the need for international cooperation to combat transnational crimes driven by technological advancements. He also presented that KICJ, as a member of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network of Institutes (UNPNI), will strive to strengthen cooperation with member institutes and serve as a leading platform for developing evidence-based solutions in the field of criminal justice in the digital age.

On the afternoon of 14 May, as KICJ is celebrating its 20th anniversary since joining the PNI, KICJ co-hosted the side event with the theme of "Meeting the Challenges and Opportunities of the Digital Age in the Criminal Justice Sector” with UNICRI, UNODC, and the United States. The side event, which featured panellists from UNICRI, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the Korean National Police Agency, was well-attended and laid the groundwork for the workshop that KICJ will convene for the 15th Crime Congress.

The delegation also participated in the PNI Workshop on 13 May, which was organised under three themes: 1) Extradition, MLA, Law Enforcement Cooperation: Issues, Challenges, Good Practices, 2) Technical Assistance for Authorities Involved in International Cooperation in Criminal Matters, including MLA and Asset Recovery, to Combat Organized Crime, Corruption, and Terrorism, 3) The Role of Private Entities (Banks and Financial Institutions) in International Cooperation, MLA, and Asset Recovery. Dr. Jisun Choi, Director of the Division of International Affairs at KICJ, presented on South Korea’s international efforts in asset recovery and its limitations. The delegation also attended the Spring PNI Coordination Meeting, where members shared their research achievements and activities for 2023-2024 and prepared for the 15th Crime Congress in 2026.

The 33rd session adopted resolutions on counter-trafficking in persons in the context of rapid technological change, treatment of children associated with terrorist groups, reducing reoffending through rehabilitation and reintegration, and preventing and countering violence against children by organized criminal groups and terrorist groups in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice. A resolution following up on the 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and preparations for the upcoming 15th Crime Congress to be held in the United Arab Emirates in 2026 was also adopted.