1. programming, staffing, and managing the violent juvenile offender / Frank Alarcon
2. six elements that form a context for staff safery / Jesse W. Doyle
3. overrepresentation of youth with disabilities in corrections / Robert B. Rutherford
4. civil rights in juvenile correctional facilities / Steven H. Rosenbaum
5. reentry at the point of entry / Kit Glover
6. the ventura youth correctional facility / Al Palomino
7. juvenile corrections in indiana / Brent Matthews
8. watching grassroots grow in louisiana / Anne Hasselbrack
9. turning the tables / Ron Tonn
10. writing our stories / Anne Hasselbrack
11. managing juveniles in adult facilities / Salvador A. Godinez
12. developing a security envelope for a youthful offender program / William "Bill" Sturgeon
13. increasing collaboration between family courts and juvenile justice / Gina E. Wood
14. Youth court
15. workbridge
16. restorative justice conferences as an early response to young offenders
17. mobilizing partners
18. the oregon youth authority's gangbusters program and the office of minotity services
19. identifying juvenile offenders with mental health disorders