-- Race, crime, and antidiscrimination / R. Richard Banks, Jennifer L. Eberhardt, and Lee Ross
-- Discrimination in America and legal strategies for reducing it / Faye J. Crosby and John F. Dovidio
-- The young science of prejudice against older adults : established answers and open questions about ageism / Todd D. Nelson
-- Gender prejudice : on the risks of occupying incongruent roles / Alice H. Eagly and Anne M. Koenig
-- From the laboratory to the bench : gender stereotyping research in the courtroom / Laurie A. Rudman, Peter Glick, and Julie E. Phelan
-- (Un)common knowledge : the legal viability of sexual harassment research / Louise F. Fitzgerald and Linda L. Collinsworth
-- Subjectivity in the appraisal process : a facilitator of gender bias in work settings / Madeline E. Heilman and Michelle C. Haynes
-- Eyewitness identification : issues in common knowledge and generalization / Gary L. Wells and Lisa E. Hasel
-- Repressed and recovered memory / Elizabeth F. Loftus, Maryanne Garry, and Harlene Hayne
-- Expert testimony on the psychology of confessions : a pyramidal framework of the relevant science / Saul M. Kassin
-- Polygraph testing / William G. Iacono
-- Social science and the evolving standards of death penalty law / Phoebe C. Ellsworth and Samuel R. Gross
-- Pretrial publicity : effects, remedies, and judicial knowledge / Margaret Bull Kovera and Sarah M. Greathouse
-- Media violence, aggression, and public policy / Craig A. Anderson and Douglas A. Gentile
-- The limits of science in the courtroom / David L. Faigman
-- Research on eyewitness testimony and false confessions / Margaret A. Berger
-- Commentary on research relevant to sex discrimination and sexual harassment / Barbara A. Gutek
-- The tenuous bridge between research and reality : the importance of research design in inferences regarding work behavior / Frank J. Landy
-- Psychological contributions to evaluating witness testimony / Shari Seidman Diamond
-- Beyond common-sense understandings of sex and race discrimination / R. Richard Banks
-- Behavioral realism in law : reframing the discussion about social science's place in antidiscrimination law and policy / Linda Hamilton Krieger.