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검색어 [가나다: 전체]
116건 중 116건 출력
5/6 페이지 엑셀 파일 출력

검색결과 리스트

열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
서명저자출판사출판년ISBN 수록
E-Book Reparationen am Internationalen Strafgerichtshof 미리보기 Mareike Feiler Duncker & Humblot 2021 9783428183067 URL
E-Book Research Handbook on Behavioral Law and Economics 미리보기 Joshua C. Teitelbaum, Kathryn Zeiler Edward Elgar Publishing 2018 9781849805674 URL
E-Book Reshaping National Intelligence for an Age of Information 미리보기 Gregory F. Treverton Cambridge University Press 2003 9780511039799
E-Book Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies 미리보기 Lyon, David-Haggerty, Kevin D.-Ball, Kirstie Taylor & Francis Ltd 2012 9781136711077 URL
E-Book Setting Limits :Gambling, Science and Public Policy 미리보기 P Sulkunen, TF Babor, JC Ornberg, M Egerer, Matilda Hellman, Charles Livingstone, Virve Marionneau, Janne Nikkinen, Jim Orford, Robin Room Oxford University Press 2019 0198817320 URL
E-Book Silent Warfare :Understanding the World of Intelligence 미리보기 Abram N. Shulsky & Gary Schmit Potomac Books 2002 9781597973144 URL
E-Book Social Control of Sex Offenders : A Cultural History: 미리보기 Laws, D. Richard Springer Science & Business Media B.V. (Palgrave Macmillan) 2016 9781137391261 URL
E-Book Social Injustice and Public Health 미리보기 Barry S. Levy Oxford University Press 2019 9780190914646 URL
E-Book Society and the adolescent self-image 미리보기 Morris Rosenberg Princeton University Press 1965 9780691028057 URL
E-Book Sudden Deaths in Custody 미리보기 Theodore C.Chan, Darrell L.Ross Springer 2006 9781588294753 URL
E-Book Surveillance and Crime 미리보기 Roy Coleman, Michael McCahill Sage 2011 9781849204446 URL
E-Book Surveillance and space 미리보기 Francisco Reto Klauser Sage 2016 9781473987128 URL
E-Book Surveillance, Capital and Resistance :Theorizing the Surveillance Subject 미리보기 McCahill, Michael-Finn, Rachel L Taylor & Francis (CAM) 2014 9781135089337 URL
E-Book Surveying Victims :Options for Conducting the National Crime Victimization Survey 미리보기 Groves, Robert M.; National Research Council (U.S.); Cork, Daniel L National Academies Press 2008 9780309115995 URL
E-Book Television and the aggressive child : a cross national comparison 미리보기 Eron, Leonard D Routledge 2013 9780415837187 URL
E-Book The Chinese Heroin Trade :Cross-Border Drug Trafficking in Southeast Asia and Beyond 미리보기 Ko-lin Chin, Sheldon Zhang, Project Muse NYU Press 2015 9781479895403 URL
E-Book The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition 미리보기 William Strunk JR. and E.B. White Big Cheese Books 2020 B08MSRD4Y8 URL
E-Book The Golden Triangle :Inside Southeast Asia's Drug Trade 미리보기 Chin, Ko-lin Cornell University Press 2009 9780801458439 URL
E-Book The Grammar of Criminal Law. Volume Two : International Criminal Law 미리보기 Fletcher, George P OUP 2020 9780190903572 URL
E-Book The law and ethics of freedom of thought, Volume 1 : neuroscience, autonomy, and individual rights 미리보기 Blitz, Marc Jonathan Palgrave 2022 3030844935 URL
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