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검색어 [가나다: 전체]
116건 중 116건 출력
6/6 페이지 엑셀 파일 출력

검색결과 리스트

열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
서명저자출판사출판년ISBN 수록
E-Book The New Criminology: For a Social Theory of Deviance 미리보기 Ian Taylor, Paul Walton Routledge 2013 9780415855877 URL
E-Book The Oxford handbook of international criminal law 미리보기 Heller, Kevin OUP 2020 9780198825203 URL
E-Book The Palgrave Handbook of Criminal and Terrorism Financing Law 미리보기 Colin KingClive WalkerJimmy Gurulé Springer 2019 9783319644981
E-Book The Private Sector and Criminal Justice 미리보기 Anthea lesby, Stuart Lister Springer Science & Business Media B.V 2017 9781137370648 URL
E-Book The SAGE Handbook of Drug & Alcohol Studies :Social Science Approaches 미리보기 Kolind, Torsten SAGE Publications Ltd 2016 9781473944183 URL
E-Book The Surveillance Web 미리보기 Michael McCahill Willan 2002 9781134034796 URL
E-Book Thinking About Victimization :Context and Consequences 미리보기 Turanovic, Jillian J.; Pratt, Travis C Taylor & Francis (CAM) (Routledge) 2019 9781315522319 URL
E-Book Total survey error in practice 미리보기 Biemer, Paul P John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2016 9781119041689 URL
E-Book UN Governance : Peace and Human Security in Cambodia and Timor-Leste 미리보기 Brendan M. Howe, Sorpong Peou, Yuji Uesugi Palgrave Macmillan 2021 9783030545710 URL
E-Book Victims Before the International Criminal Court. Definition, Participation, Reparation 미리보기 Safferling, Christoph Johannes Maria Springer 2021 9783030801779 URL
E-Book Video Surveillance and Social Control in a Comparative Perspective 미리보기 Svenonius, Ola.-Björklund, Fredrika Taylor & Francis (CAM) 2013 9781136182020 URL
E-Book Violence, sex offenders, and corrections 미리보기 Icciardelli, Rose Taylor & Francis 2018 9781317393832 URL
E-Book Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation 미리보기 Randy L. Joyner Corwin 2018 BA07DVLZZY URL
E-Book Zwangsbehandlung psychisch kranker Menschen Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis 미리보기 Jochen Vollmann, Tanja Henking Springer 2015 9783662470428 URL
E-Book 사법의 민주화 :재판을 재판한다 미리보기 박홍규 역사비평사 1994 8976963113 URL
E-Book 집회 시위법 해설 :집회 및 시위에 관한 법률 미리보기 황교안 박영사 2009 9788971899434 URL
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