Real Estate Law Journal
Warren Gorham Lamont
Real Estate Review Journal
West, a Thomson Reuters
Real Estate Taxation
RIA Group
Real Property, Trust, & Estate Law Journal
American Bar Association
Regent Journal of International Law
Regent University, School of Law
Regent University Law Review
Regent University School of Law
Renewable Energy Law & Policy Review
Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft
Res Gestae
Indiana State Bar Association
Retgers Journal of Law & Religion
Rutgers, the State University
Review of Banking & Financial Law
Trustees of Boston University
Review of Litigation
University of Texas School of Law Publications, Inc
Revista de Derecho Puertorriqueno
Revista de Derecho Puertoriqqueno
Revista Juridica de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico
The Inter-American University of Puerto Rico School of Law
Revista Juridica Universidad de Puerto Rico
University of Puerto Rico School of Law
Revue de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke
Revue de Droit Universite de Sherbrooke
Revue de la common law en francais
Revue de la common law en francais
Rhode Isl& Bar Journal
Rhode Island Bar Association
Richmond Journal of Global Law & Business
Richmond Journal of Global Law & Business
Richmond Journal of Law & Technology
Richmond Journal of Law and Technology
Richmond Journal of Law & the Public Interest
Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest