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결과내 검색
검색어 [가나다ABC : 전체]
6,785건 중 6,785건 출력
40/340 페이지 엑셀 파일 출력

검색결과 리스트

열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
서명저자출판사출판년ISBN 수록
전자저널 International Migration: Globalization's Last Frontier 미리보기 Zed Books URL
전자저널 International Perspectives in Victimology 미리보기 California State University, Fresno URL
전자저널 International Poverty Law: An Emerging Discourse 미리보기 Zed Books URL
전자저널 International Review of Modern Sociology 미리보기 Indian Books and Periodicals URL
전자저널 International Review of Sociology 미리보기 Carfax Publishing Company URL
전자저널 International Social Science Journal 미리보기 Blackwell Publishing Limited URL
전자저널 International Social Science Review 미리보기 Pi Gamma Mu Inc URL
전자저널 Into the Image 미리보기 Taylor & Francis Ltd. / Books URL
전자저널 Introducción a la Sociología de la Comunicación 미리보기 Digitalia, Inc URL
전자저널 Introducing Race & Gender into Economics 미리보기 Taylor & Francis Ltd. / Books URL
전자저널 Introduction to Clinical Social Work Supervision 미리보기 Haworth Press, Inc URL
전자저널 Introduction to Social Security 미리보기 Taylor & Francis Ltd. / Books URL
전자저널 Introduction to the Philosophy of Social Research 미리보기 Taylor & Francis Ltd. / Books URL
전자저널 Investigación Social y el Dato Complejo. Una Primera Aproximación 미리보기 Digitalia, Inc URL
전자저널 Investing in the Workforce: Social Investors & International Labour Standards 미리보기 International Labour Organization URL
전자저널 Invisible Safety Net 미리보기 Princeton University Press URL
전자저널 Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies 미리보기 Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies URL
전자저널 Irish Journal of Sociology 미리보기 Irish Journal of Sociology URL
전자저널 Is Apartheid Really Dead? Pan Africanist Working Class Cultural Critical Perspectives 미리보기 Perseus Books, LLC URL
전자저널 Is, Guc: The Journal of Industrial Relations & Human Resources 미리보기 Is, Guc: The Journal of Industrial Relations & Human Resources URL
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