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결과내 검색
검색어 [가나다ABC : 전체]
6,785건 중 6,785건 출력
45/340 페이지 엑셀 파일 출력

검색결과 리스트

열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
서명저자출판사출판년ISBN 수록
전자저널 Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy 미리보기 Haworth Press, Inc URL
전자저널 Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 미리보기 Royal Society of Medicine Press URL
전자저널 Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention & Education for Adolescents & Children 미리보기 Haworth Press, Inc URL
전자저널 Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention in Children & Youth 미리보기 Haworth Press, Inc URL
전자저널 Journal of Housing for the Elderly 미리보기 Haworth Press, Inc URL
전자저널 Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 미리보기 Haworth Press, Inc URL
전자저널 Journal of Humanistic Counseling 미리보기 American Counseling Association URL
전자저널 Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education & Development 미리보기 American Counseling Association URL
전자저널 Journal of Humanistic Education & Development 미리보기 American Counseling Association URL
전자저널 Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Services 미리보기 Haworth Press URL
전자저널 Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 미리보기 Haworth Press, Inc URL
전자저널 Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences & Humanities 미리보기 Igitur, UB Utrecht URL
전자저널 Journal of Injury & Violence Research 미리보기 Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences URL
전자저널 Journal of International Diversity 미리보기 Franklin Publishing Company URL
전자저널 Journal of International Migration & Integration 미리보기 Prairie Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration & Integration URL
전자저널 Journal of Investigative Psychology & Offender Profiling 미리보기 John Wiley & Sons, Inc URL
전자저널 Journal of Jewish Communal Service 미리보기 Jewish Communal Service Association URL
전자저널 Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies (JOLLAS) 미리보기 Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies URL
전자저널 Journal of Law & Society 미리보기 Blackwell Publishing Limited URL
전자저널 Journal of Loss & Trauma 미리보기 Taylor & Francis Ltd URL
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