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결과내 검색
검색어 [가나다ABC : 전체]
6,785건 중 6,785건 출력
71/340 페이지 엑셀 파일 출력

검색결과 리스트

열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No. 자료
서명저자출판사출판년ISBN 수록
전자저널 Social Advocacy & Systems Change 미리보기 State University of New York College at Cortland URL
전자저널 Social Alternatives 미리보기 Social Alternatives URL
전자저널 Social Analysis 미리보기 Berghahn Books URL
전자저널 Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 미리보기 Cambridge University Press / UK URL
전자저널 Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal 미리보기 Society for Personality Research URL
전자저널 Social Biology 미리보기 Society for the Study of Social Biology URL
전자저널 Social Bodies 미리보기 Princeton University Press URL
전자저널 Social Brain Matters 미리보기 Editions Rodopi BV URL
전자저널 Social Cohesion & Legal Coercion 미리보기 Editions Rodopi BV URL
전자저널 Social Construction of Man, the State & War 미리보기 Taylor & Francis Ltd. / Books URL
전자저널 Social Constructivism & the Philosophy of Science 미리보기 Taylor & Francis Ltd. / Books URL
전자저널 Social Development 미리보기 Blackwell Publishing Limited URL
전자저널 Social Development in Asia 미리보기 Springer Science & Business Media B.V. / Books URL
전자저널 Social Development Issues 미리보기 Lyceum Books, Inc URL
전자저널 Social Dimension of Globalization: A Review of the Literature 미리보기 International Labour Organization URL
전자저널 Social Dynamics 미리보기 Centre for African Studies URL
전자저널 Social Education / Socialinis Ugdymas 미리보기 Vilnius Pedagogical University Social Communication Institute URL
전자저널 Social Exclusion in Central-Eastern Europe: Concept, Measurement & Policy Interventions 미리보기 International Labour Organization URL
전자저널 Social Forces (University of North Carolina Press) 미리보기 University of North Carolina Press URL
전자저널 Social History 미리보기 Routledge, Ltd URL
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