Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review
The Chicano-Latino Law Review
Child Law Practice
American Bar Association
Center for New York City Law at New York Law School
Civil Justice Quarterly
Sweet and Maxwell, Limited
Civil Procedure News
Sweet & Maxwell
Clevel& State Law Review
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
Clinical Law Review
Clinical Law Review, Inc
Colorado Lawyer
Colorado Bar Association
Colorado Natural Resources, Energy & Environmental Law Review
University Press of Colorado
Columbia Business Law Review
Columbia University School of Law
Columbia Human Rights Law Review
Columbia University School of Law
Columbia Journal of Asian Law
Columbia University School of Law
Columbia Journal of East European Law
Columbia University School of Law
Columbia Journal of Environmental Law
Columbia University School of Law
Columbia Journal of European Law
Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law
Columbia Journal of Gender & Law
Columbia University School of Law
Columbia Journal of Law & Social Problems
Columbia University School of Law
Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts
Columbia University School of Law
Columbia Journal of Race & Law
Columbia Journal of Race and Law
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Association, Inc