Jisun Kim

Crime Trends & Analysis,Public Safety & Crime Prevention

Senior Research Fellow

Research Interest (Major)

Criminology, Victimology, Juvenile Justice

Measures for Strengthening the Efficacy of Criminal Justice Policy for Public Safety (Ⅳ): Safety Condition and Policy Issues in Foreign Population-concentrated Areas link - icon

Korean Crime Victim Survey in 2010 link - icon

Community-based Management of Sex Offenders in Korea (1): An Examination of Sex Offender Registries and Community Notification link - icon

Teen Courts Program in Korea link - icon

Measures to Improve the Utilization of 『White Paper on Crime』 in Korea link - icon

Directions and Tasks of the Third Basic Plan for Crime Victim Protection and Support (2017-2021) link - icon

Strengthening the Efficacy of Criminal Policy for Guaranteeing Public Safety (Ⅳ) - Safety Condition and Policy Issues in Foreign Population Concentrated Areas link - icon

Improving Victim-Offender Mediation in Korea link - icon

Measures to Improve the Utilization of Police 'Crime Statistics' link - icon

Community based management of sex offenders in Korea(Ⅱ)-An Evaluation Study on the Electronic Monitoring- link - icon

Korean Crime Victim Survey(Ⅵ) : Commercial Victimization Survey link - icon

Implementation of Pretrial Supervision Program for Juvenile Delinquent link - icon

Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Punitiveness (I) : Sex Offender Registration and Notification link - icon

An Effectiveness Evaluation of the Electronic Monitoring System link - icon

Comprehensive Policy for Developing Scientific Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science (V) - Review of relevant laws and policies on the criminal Jjstice reform in the era of post-COVID19 link - icon

Comprehensive Policy for Developing Scientific Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science (V) - Review of relevant laws and policies on the criminal Jjstice reform in the era of post-COVID19 link - icon

Analysis of the Changes in Digital Sex Crimes and Evaluation of Policy Implementation and Effectiveness after the Nth Room Prevention Law link - icon

Analysis of Changes in Digital Sex Crimes and Evaluation of Policy Implementation link - icon